
Responses from roberjerman

Solid-State Preamp/Crossover
Fosgate made a preamp with a built-in 2 channel x-over. This was back in the early 90's. My friend had one. Maybe you could find one on the used market for about $200.  
This looks like a terrible investment
I will add original Impulse LPs! 
This looks like a terrible investment
Only original Blue Notes, Prestige and Riverside have lasting value! The reissues - meh! 
An EXPERIMENT for those who have never heard differences in cables
Magnet wire! LOL! Not enough current capability to control voice coil movement plus high resistance! No wonder it sounds "different"! Accurate? NO! 
Ok now I am frustrated with streaming
You are at the mercy of problems down the Internet pipeline! Said problems are out of your control! That is why I prefer good old fashioned physical media (LPs, CDs and DVDs).  
should I buy this tube amp?
Transformer-coupled amps have ZERO DC offset! Transformers DO NOT pass DC! 
Burn In... the Age Old Question, Cables, Components, and Speakers
"Burn-in" for wire - Flat Earth Science! 
Burn In... the Age Old Question, Cables, Components, and Speakers
Only mechanical things (speakers and phono cartridges) need some use to reach their potential. Wires - NO! 
Audioquest AC cables
@todd1010: I don’t tell anyone how to spend their dough! But I will call out what I perceive to be bs products aimed at the gullible and unwary! 
Audioquest AC cables
I called out Michael Fremer on FB for promoting the $6K AQ Hurricane AC cords in his Stereophile column.  
Audioquest AC cables
I bought a $99 Pangea AC cord. It sounds no different than a $6 Home Depot cord. So if I buy a $999 AC cord I will be blown away by the sheer detail and musicality I will hear? Maybe I need to spend even more!  
Im sick of seeing stupid prices on We, Tannoy Silver and Black. Whats so Great about them?
Cult items with a cult following command high prices! I'd rather have a pair of new-production 15" JBL woofers! 
Audioquest AC cables
The sonic difference between a Home Depot AC cord and a (name of your favorite "audiophile-approved") AC cord is exactly ZERO! If you want to drink the Kool Ade, go right ahead! 
Concrete Audio Speakers...Speaker Enclosures made out of Concrete ?..
NO! Too much resonance! 
Yes, but who will buy your 18 year-old amp, particularly since it needs servicing?