
Responses from roberjerman

Who puts their speakers right up against the back wall and why?
The farther woofers are from room surfaces the more uneven the frequency response in the bass region! Roy Allison of Acoustic Research (AR) discovered this decades ago. Now known as the "Allison Effect". 
Who puts their speakers right up against the back wall and why?
Allison and Snell. The most even bass response is from having woofers near the boundaries of two surfaces (wall and floor). This also applies to subwoofers. 
Upgrade Question
@corelli - my Marantz CD67 (1997)) continues faithfully to work well! No urge to upgrade. When the laser dies I will buy a replacement mechanism. 
Do I need to decouple/isolate my preamp amp from my stand?
Turntables benefit from isolation. CD/DVD players, DACs and Streamers - NO!  
Do I need to decouple/isolate my preamp amp from my stand?
Isolation under an amp/preamp - Flat Earth Science! 
Do I need to decouple/isolate my preamp amp from my stand?
A waste of $375! 
High Performance Audio - The End?
The same for Mengelberg conducting Mahler at the Amsterdam Concertgebouw! 
High Performance Audio - The End?
We will never have Charlie Parker (born 100 years ago this month) recorded in stereo. But listening to him in mono on my modest (compared to today's big-buck systems) vintage gear is certainly satisfying! 
What Combinations of Components Have You Put Together That Sound Good?
At the moment listening to All Night Jazz (89.7 FM WUSF Tampa) through a Mitsubishi DA-F10 tuner. DCM Time Windows 1A's and a Sumo Andromeda amp. Preamp is an RGR 4. Three other rooms filled with vintage gear await! 
High Performance Audio - The End?
No, he was dressed casually, as was I. Wish I could have had at least a brief listen to the Sound Lab  RS-1's! Maybe if I walked in wearing a Brioni suit ... 
High Performance Audio - The End?
The more zeros in the price tag, the more orgasmic the feeling upon ownership! Maybe Dr.Freud can comment on this? 
High Performance Audio - The End?
Steve Guttenberg worked at Sound By Singer in NYC, touting four and five-figure components. I only visited that store once back in the '80s to buy the latest copy of The Absolute Sound. Since I only wanted the magazine he treated me like a peon. I... 
RIP Frankie Banali, Quiet Riot drummer, succumbed to stage 4 pancreatic cancer.
The list of talented musicians leaving this mortal coil grows longer. Ars Longa Vita Brevis! 
Cheers, to Hermon Hosmer Scott!
I have two Scott integrated tube amps with new caps. They are a joy to listen to on my Quad 57's and Rogers LS3/5A's. Certainly a lot more affordable than vintage Marantz and McIntosh! Vacuum Tube Valley had an issue devoted to the various Scott t... 
What are the differences ?
Possibly - but you will have to do some listening to your favorite LPs! Sapphire is certainly stiffer than aluminum! Maybe more low-level detail?