
Responses from roberjerman

Help with TT ideas for my first TT
When I wanted to add a new current production TT to my collection of vintage TT's I chose the Pioneer PLX1000. At $700 and another $300 for a Denon 103R mc cartridge this is a combination hard to beat for the performance/cost ratio! 
Your thoughts on a phono step-up transformer?
I have and can recommend the Bellari MT502 SUT. Made here in the USA - $500. There is one now available on eBay for $350 + $11.44 shipping from California. Seller is "rbaudio925". It is certainly the sonic equal of SUT's costing 2X - 3X more! 
PSA 3 Phono Stage Pre-amp... VS ...Hafler 110 full pre-amp with phono
You can use "tape out" on the Hafler to access the phono stage. Then into the "aux" input on the Nobsound. The Hafler phono stage is excellent!  
Best match for Gershman Black Swans
Changing from the Odyssey amps to something else is a sideways move! The Odyssey amps are the same circuit design as the expensive made-in-Germany Symphonic Line amps. I have a single Odyssey stereo amp, which does sound quite excellent!  
Precision fidelity C7 preamp
Audio Classics in Vestal, NY is my recommendation for repairs and restoration of HiFi gear. But if your C7 is working and sounding fine I would be content to leave it alone. Just do some tube rolling!  
Precision fidelity C7 preamp
The C7 does not have a high-level stage. It is phono-only! The volume control and source selector function passively with no gain for high-level sources (tuner, CD player, tape deck ...). I preferred using my C7 strictly as a phono stage into the ... 
Precision fidelity C7 preamp
The C7 was my favorite phono stage from 1978 to 1983. I stupidly sold it when I needed some fast cash. At the time I also had the much-esteemed PS Audio III phono stage. As good as that was I much preferred the C7! In fact, the C7 first appeared a... 
Tung Sol 6550 NOS vs Grove Tube 6550A NOS
My Marshall Major head had a quartet of Groove Tubes 6550's. They were probably made in Ch*na! So beware!  
Best options for active speakers $4k or below?
KEF has a version of the LS50 that is both wireless and active. That would be my hands-down choice! Partner them with a Bluesound Node 2i and a Tidal subscription! 
Precision fidelity C7 preamp
I had a C7 in the late 70's. I liked the sound with the GE tubes! If you can afford it either NOS Mullard's or Telefunken's would be the ne plus ultra choice! Beware of fakes!  
Try it both ways! You might also consider trying other mats. 
Preamp Rectifier Tube Confusion
All you will get with different rectifier tubes is a different voltage drop of the B+ voltage. And a corresponding change in voltages throughout the circuit. Use the rectifier that the circuit was designed with! A rectifier tube is NOT part of the... 
What is missing here?
Just another product for the money-to-burn crowd!  
Bedini 25/25 1 meg
That's a high price to pay! I bought a Bedini 150/150 for less than 1/3 of that! I recommend waiting until a Bedini amp becomes available for under a grand! One with more power than the 25/25 would be more suitable for your speakers. 
Buying speaker cables on-line: Is this advisable?
All the hype and opinions about speaker wire is just that - hype and opinions! No hard engineering data to prove that cable A is somehow better than cable B. It's all "my golden ears told me it is so'. The whole wire business is a clever marketing...