
Responses from roberjerman

Cartridge recommendation please...
Add a bottle of liquid stylus-cleaner and a bottle of Stylast (extends diamond life). Anybody serious about record care should own these two! 
Cartridge recommendation please...
A Grado MI (moving-iron) is an easy recommendation! The advantage over MM-types is immunity from cable and input stage capacitance. Prices range from under $100 to five-figures. A wood-body Grado Sonata (I have one) for about $300 would be a good ... 
Can I use 24 gauge speaker cable?
10 gauge Monster Cable is still a good choice! Sure, it's still thick zip cord - but so what! If you're feeling really neurotic get some low-cost AudioQuest or Kimber!  
Can I use 24 gauge speaker cable?
Before 1976 nobody worried about wire. Then Noel Lee started Monster Cable and Disc Washer had Gold Ens interconnects. I had both! And over the decades more exotic and expensive stuff! Nowadays I've stopped worrying and just use what's on hand! 
Can I use 24 gauge speaker cable?
No! It is too thin (high resistance) for typical runs of 10 to 20 feet. Nothing wrong with 14 gauge zip cord - contrary to what the "golden ears" guys will say! Don't fall for all the blarney about speaker wire - or interconnects! 
Can I use 24 gauge speaker cable?
"but that sound will lack in the details that were actually recorded" - an unproven opinion!  
Can I use 24 gauge speaker cable?
-1 williewonka! "Cables are a science" - LOL! And there's a chapter on them in the Flat Earth Science textbook! 
Can I use 24 gauge speaker cable?
Yes, if you place your amp 12 inches from the speakers! Seriously, go to Home Depot and buy some 14 gauge zip cord - much better for the typical 10 to 20 feet run! 
why a 75 dollar blue ray smokes all 2k CD players and any turntable???
+1 djones51 and cd318! Watch out for the mob carrying flaming torches!  
why a 75 dollar blue ray smokes all 2k CD players and any turntable???
High End audio has increasingly been driven by fantasy, clever marketing and hearsay from the gullible! Same as the wine market where oeniriphiles swoon over the virtues of expensive bottles compared to the "cheap stuff"! 
Anyone got a source for a pair of AR Classic tweeters?
Contact Madisound for a similar pair. 
Magnepan LRS
+1 for the Crown XLS 1502! $399 new and 500+ wpc/4ohms! Now if it only had an extra zero in its price ... 
Record Care Regime can I do better ?
You forgot the Stylast! Use it on the cartridge before playing a side! Claimed to extend diamond life! 
Own many mid-game speakers or a few end-game speakers.
Peter Walker of Quad fame said: "We don't think our speakers are the best. Just that all the rest are worse". Get yourself a pair or two of the 57's and throw away all the rest!  
Favorite used tonearms under 1000 dollars
I have two Fidelity Research arms in my collection. A FR 29 and an FR 54. Both bought for about $400 each from Japan eBay. Excellent quality and enough mass for use with my mc cartridges. I have the FR 54/Coral 777 Sleeping Beauty mc/ADC magnesium...