
Responses from rlwainwright

Can someone give me an explaination re: power amp.
You are hearing the effects of the additional amperage the bigger amp is providing. Most speakers like to be connected to a high-current amp....-RW- 
ParaSound Halo A21 vs Nad M25
Eihter one of the amps mentioned will easily out-perform the amps in the Denon. I wouldn't worry too much about the damping factor numbers, once you get past a factor of 100 or so it really doesn't make much difference.I would consider the efficie... 
Denon DVD-A1UDci vs Marantz UD-9005
One more thought, if you want a superb audio section in addition to a superb video section, consider getting the Oppo BDP-83SE. This Special Edition is supposed to have a much improved analog audio section and is priced at a very reasonable $899:h... 
Denon DVD-A1UDci vs Marantz UD-9005
You may want to consider getting an Oppo BDP-83 instead. It will do everything you need, has gotten stellar reviews, and will only cost you $499. And none of the units you mentioned can out-perform the Oppo's video section...-RW- 
Can someone give me an explaination re: power amp.
You just discovered one of the virtues of having a high-current amp, welcome to the club!-RW- 
Would You Like to Make Your CD's Sound Better
I have to wonder just how the idea for this tweak came about. Did you just start wiping your CDs with whatever was at-hand or did you make a list of items to use as wipers? What was your inspiration for this??-RW- 
Emmlabs CDSA
"...~ $25k...you will not be dissappointed with it ..it is a great player..."Jiminy Christmas!! For $25,000 it damn sure BETTER be a great player. I just *know* I'm gonna get pounded on for saying this, but WTF could possibly make this player wort... 
matching center channel to mains/rears
If at all possible, try to use the same brand and model speaker all the way around. The resulting soundfield will be much more seamless and cohesive. I originally strted out with Gallo Ref. 3.1s as my mains and used Gallo Dues for the Center and R... 
best monitor speaker under $2000
By all means, buy used. You can get some (gently) used 2-3 year old speakers for 1/2 of their original cost. And, providing they are well-made to begin with, you'll get another 20-25 years of use out of them.Then, take all that money you saved and... 
Length of speaker cable effect bass response?
The length of your run should have NO effect wahtspever upon the output of the bass. If you had said 300 ft., well then maybe, but not 30 ft...-RW- 
Newbie G4 laptop to NAD 320 BEE setup
If your ;aptop has a Toslink output, go to MonoPrice.com and check out their "fancy" Toslink cable. This is a *seriously* nice cable and the price is incredibly cheap, a 6 ft. cable is only $5.49 + shipping. That is NOT a typo, I have one of these... 
Cable for subwoofers
You may want to give a quick check on the "tightness" of the screws securing the subwoofer's driver to the cabinet. They can work themselves loose and that *might* be your problem...-RW- 
Analog or Digital?
Using the digital output from your player bypasses the player's DACs, it's not surprising that the two units sounded the same.Instead, try using the analog output and see if you can hear any difference. If not, buy the less expensive unit...-RW- 
Best Hard Drive and Enclosure for Music Server
I'm getting good, quiet service from my USB external Seagate 1 TB drive. It was a breeze to setup - attach the power and USB cables and you're done! During operation it runs stone cold quiet, I rarely hear it and it's only 2 feet away from my left... 
I second the opinion that you should include ADS in your list. The ADS L-710s, 810s, and 910s were fantastically good speakers and will hold their own even today.And, it's your lucky day - there are a pair of 710s and 810s on A'gon right now. The ...