
Responses from rlwainwright

Avalon Indra, Eidolon, Opus comparison
I sure hope your amp is 1-2 ohm stable, Avalons are infamous for presenting extremely demanding loads...-RW- 
Classdaudio vs Channel Islands amps
Nothing wrong at all with Hypex, their nCore amps get rave reviews. Digital amps are really coming of age and I may make the switch from Class AB to Class D sometime in the near future...-RW- 
regarging components that have a 20a AC IEC
The chances of tripping a 15 amp breaker are very slim. I say use it as-is and worry about making a change over if you really encounter issues...-RW- 
Peachtree Reliability
Sounds like NAD reliability early-on. Great sounding products that broke waaaaayyyy too often. Thankfully, NAD cleaned up their act. Sounds like Peachtree needs to do the same...-RW- 
The Audiophile's Wife no longer putting it out?
Wow, what a bummer. I really enjoyed her blog and truly hope she reconsiders. I wanted to post a message to her saying such, but no way to do that on her blog...-RW- 
Start looking at digital amps. There are some very good ones out there that sound very musical and offer gobs of power for the money...-RW- 
Soundsmith VPI Zephyr vs. Dynavector 17D3??
>> Don't get me wrong, the Zephyr is a FAR better sounding cart than the 10x5 in nearly every area, but it just lacks that toe-tapping momentum (if that even makes sense)...<<No, makes no sense to me. Give the cart some more time to br... 
KEF Q800ds heads up check yours
>> Instead of going through all that trouble, why didn't you just reverse the speaker wires at the speakers binding posts? <<Indeed - a 5 minute fix...-RW- 
Preamp and DAC to drive KEF Reference 104/2?
Perhaps he should look into the Emotiva line of components. They have a very nice preamp and very solid power amps. All of their gear comes with a 30 day in-home trial and 5 year warranty.Have him look at the XSP-1 preamp and maybe an XPA-2 power ... 
bookshelf speakers
Speakers without boxes would be the best choice. And probably the best of that design would be the Gallo Stradas. Their imaging is spooky good and they have several mounting configurations, including a very nice table-top stand...http://www.6moons... 
Power chords for LFD
I think the power chords from many of the Who's songs sound terrific on most integrated amps...-RW- 
Best qualified surround speakers for home theater
Sufentanil got it right. I currently have an all-Gallo Reference surround system - 3.1 Refs for Front L/R, Ref. AV Center for center (duh!), and Ref. AVs for the rears.Prior to that, I was first using some Paradigm Atoms. They played, but were not... 
Beryllium center for Avalon Eidolons
If Avalon offers a matching center for your speaker, that would probably be the best way to go. The center channel is quite important in a surround sound system and needs to be properly voiced to the mains for the best results.Other than that, the... 
reco speaker cables for Ohm Walshes?
FYI, I had the Ohm Walsh 2s for many years and used the same HD 12 ga. cable running from a Denon DRA-600 receiver and also an NAD 3150/2150 bridged pair. It surely played loud and cleanly!-RW- 
reco speaker cables for Ohm Walshes?
I'm using AlphaCore Goertz Pythons on my Gallo Ref. 3.1s connected to my Emotiva XPA-5. Sounds good, they are supposed to be electrically "correct". And they look very cool, and it boosts my audiophile street cred [smile]. But I'm not sure it soun...