
Responses from rlwainwright

Sumiko Talisman S and B&O MMC 2 Cartridge question
I have owned several B&O MMC1 and 2 cartridges. An MMC2 in good condition with low hours is worth around $400. An MMC1 is worth double that...-RW- 
Oh, the frustrations of the speaker search
>> If you only have a very limited budget you should consider spending most of it on a really good amp and get whatever speaker you can with what is left. <<Wow, I doubt I have ever read a worse piece of advice ever given here. The dif... 
NAD M2 with Sonus Faber Cremona Ms
I find it interesting that the NAD amp's "goodness" is being measured by its price tag. This is ridiculous. It is either a good amp with good specs. and sufficient current to drive the speakers or it isn't, the price is irrelevant...-RW- 
Which Amp? Onkyo, Emotiva, Marantz, etc.
I agree with Runnin about sizing the amp properly to the room/speakers. More info. from you will allow us to make more informed recommendations...-RW- 
Sony 9100ES, Oppo 103 105
Well, let's not forget that the Oppos also offer many more format playback options. I realize that the OP asked about DVD only. But chances are that he will eventually want to explore the rapidly increasing world of Bluray audio and video. The Son... 
Need suggestions replacing my receiver
For 2 large, I'd be looking at separates. Get a nice preprocessor - Sherbourn, Marantz, Arcam, etc. and mate it up to a high-quality power amp.An example: Right now, Sherbourn has a *smokin'* deal on their PT-7030 preprocessor and their PA-7150 am... 
I'd go with Soix's recommendation, talk to Jeff Joseph for his opinion. And, as Soix mentioned, the customer is probably not going to be too fussy about this. Remember, they cannot audition a cable swap either...-RW- 
Any experience with Verity Parsifal monitor ONLY?
I reckon you should contact the mfgr., they'll give the most up to date info...-RW- 
B&W 805 distortion question
The previous troubleshooting suggestions are valid and you should do so. I had a similar problem the other day with a hi-res Steely Dan recording - the tweeter output sounded horrible for a few seconds. At first I suspected a blown tweeter. But I ... 
Mark Levinson 333.5 vs Emotiva XPR-1 Monoblocks
Emotiva does have a 30 day in-home trial. This would allow you to hear the amps in your system/room. All of the reviews for the XPR series amps have been positively glowing, they appear to be very good amps. I have an XPA-5 and really, really like... 
DynAudio Audience 82 will it match with Excite X22
I think I'd play it safe and go with the Audience series all around. The importance of matching drivers all around cannot be emphasized enough. It will result in a much more cohesive soundstage and more seamless transitions from side to side and f... 
Is Anyone Using The Oppo 105 As A Preamp?
>> The volume control in the Oppo is done in the digital domain, which means that you start cutting bits to reduce the volume. <<You are wrong. The Oppo starts with 32 bits internally, so you can toss away 8 bits before you even start ... 
How to remove harshness from my digital gear
"Most of the problem is related to the CD. Stock off the shelf CDs almost always sound harsh, tinny, thin, generic, boomy, grainy, two dimensional, distorted, uninvolving, boring and metallic.">> Really, you have all of those problems? I don... 
How to remove harshness from my digital gear
Has anyone actually done a scientific survey of such things as "magnetic buildup" on a CD, "static buildup" on a CD, etc.? These things should be easily measured and quantifiable. And, if they exist, it should be easy to measure the efficacy of pr... 
How about the Emotiva XDA-2?
I have Emotiva gear, but not an XDA-2. Nonetheless, the folks at the EmotivaLounge.com claim that the XDA-2 is a noticeable step up from the XDA-1.Since Emo has a 30 day in-home trial, why not buy one and see how it sounds in your system?-RW-