
Responses from rlwainwright

Gallo Ref 3 HT owners-do use additional sub?
Jesus, Chazz, are you completely incapable of writing a post that can be understood by average humans? For the love of God, READ your posts out loud to someone else BEFORE clicking the Submit button.BTW, I have Ref. 3s up front, a Due Center, Due ... 
Denon 3910 vs. Levinson 36
The 3910 is no slouch, it is the equal (or better) of many megabuck units. I know I'll be keeping mine for quite some time to come...-RW- 
laptop to analog, any suggestions?
I will offer yet another recommendation for the LinkSys Wireless Music Bridge (WMB54G). $80.95 + shipping (Office Depot). Connect to the laptop wirelessly (duh!) or using an Ethernet cable. You can then use the WMB's RCA out or its Coax Digital ou... 
Opinions please
The VPI is highly-regarded by many here. As for your static issue, you might consider investing in a humidifier. It will significantly reduce the static your experiencing and will also feel better to your nasal passages and lungs.One cheap and eas... 
House AC Line Variance
Your voltage seems a bit high. Mine varies from 116 VAC to 121 VAC depending upon the time of day and the load presented by the equipment that is running. It usually stays right around 119 VAC for the most part. I am located in Bethesda, MD just n... 
Gallo Reference 3.1; What integrated amp?
The Gallos reward hi-current, wide-bandwidth amplification. I'd be inclined to go with the Primare from the list given. A top-line NAD might be a good choice, too. Also, many of the Harman-Kardon products are known to have huge current reserves co... 
Using B&W 802n's as Rears w/B&W 800n's as Mains???
Yep, I'd sell the 802s and use 805s for the rear. With the money left over you could get an 805 for the center. THAT would be one GREAT sounding surround system, IMHO...-RW- 
B & W 603 S3 $1,000 vs. Spendor 5Se $2,000
For $2,000 you'll be hard-pressed to find a better speaker than the Gallo Reference 3.1 - the glowing reviews are well-deserved. Find a way to audition them, your search will be done!-RW- 
MultiChannel too complicated for most...
I've found quite a peaceful co-existence between listening to multichannel and 2 channel thru my system. Multichannel, done right, is downright fabulous - it blows two channel clear outta the water in many ways. However, 2 channel done right can s... 
Speaker cable with good mids and highs
I've been very happy with my Alpha-Core Goertz cables, and they're known for having a smooth and extended mid-top. I am just about to close a deal on some 10 ft. bi-wires that I'm selling, but if that falls thru, you may want to check 'em out. The... 
denon 2900 or denon 2910
I've owned both the 2910 and, currently, the 3910. Excellent units, especially at their used prices. The video on both is superlative, I'm not sure I detect any difference there. The 3910 does get a slight nod for audio duties, so if you can spend... 
using the Radio shack SPL meter
It was SO loud I could hear it in MY house! Turn it down, please ...-RW- 
Kef vs Thiel
I vote for the KEFs, their midrange is among the most pleasing available. I fell in love with the KEF 101s, 103.2s, and 105 series many years ago. Man did those speakers sound good!! They DO love to have some power thrown their way, but they are o... 
Sales: truth in weight?
If I don't know the weight of an item I will usually look at several ads for the same or similar items to see if it's in the ballpark. My experience has been that many members underestimate the weight of an item, leading to higher charges at ship ... 
Is there a optimum lenght for power cables?
The optimum length is long enough to reach from the component to the power outlet."Molecular stabilization" - Ha, ha, ha, gimme a break! More like "bank account accentuation"...-RW-