
Responses from riley804

can you tell me about ADA ptm6150 amp./mach1 pre
You might want to do some research or ask this question over on this site : 
Preamp for my system...Please
What is the amount that you are willing to spend ?Would you like tubes or solid state, or does it matter ? 
How do you use standing wave on pionner elite does the manual say ? 
Sometimes I wonder why people even have internet service as they surely dont use it .Contact Information For more information about Rogue Audio or Rogue products, call 570-992-9901. Inquiries about Rogue or Rogue products are also answered by e-ma... 
Variable analog output cdp under $800 used?
Have you tried searching the forums by typing in " cd player with volume control " ?This might be a good place to start ........ 
Cool Vintage McIntosh System in dallas
its all good. Just busting your stones . 
Cool Vintage McIntosh System in dallas
would have been nice if you would have mentioned what day the ad was it was listed May 12th.For those interested, here is the link : 
Vinyl vs. Hi Resolution Computer Audio
Which set up would you rather have if it was going to be delivered to your house tomorrow? Vinyl or computer?Vinyl 
Very airy sounding player under 1K used?
the arcam fmj 23 is a nice player.Going to add to more to the list : 
Very airy sounding player under 1K used?
What have you researched so far ? 
Is This Feasible?
Is This Feasible?What is wrong with the tower speakers that you have that you feel compelled to do this ?Why not look into getting different speakers ? 
Troubleshooting help
On the cd player are the interconnects in the fixed or variable input, as doesnt the Ah Tjobe also have the ability to control volume also ? Might want to check there...... 
Amp Confusion
Any particular reason why you are mostly looking at Integrated amps and not seperate amp/preamps ? 
What does this tell me?
Try process of elimination. Unhook all sources that you mention and install them one at a time until you find what is causing it. 
Best Buy is going to sell vinyl records