
Responses from richopp

Am I a hopeless audio snob?
@lewm    Well, you asked for it:   I was gonna post this one but I thought those unfamiliar with the product might miss some of the wonderful details. Fun days...we had one on display in the showroom to incite conversation, and it did! Che... 
Am I a hopeless audio snob?
Well, if looks is what does it for you, try this one:     It does not actually work, but it sure is pretty! I have to laugh at TT prices today. I sold lots of Linn-Sondek’s (REALLY bouncy) back in the day for about $175.00. Arms were extra; ... 
Michael Aday (Metloaf) has passed away.
I will never understand some of the posters here.  Like many today, they seem selfish and very christian-like in their abject hate and permanent apoplectic dislike for anyone and everyone.  Just like their jesus preached as I remember.   RIP, an... 
Describe your preference in a single sentence
ACCURATE reproduction of the source, good or bad=Magnepan.  
Educate Me
So, a brilliant designer made his product sound like a couple of others.  The CJ, I have no idea.  As for the ML, not really an achievement as they were, to be kind, horrible.  Best possible components (MIL SPEC) and great designer (Curl). Unfor... 
Audio Research Ref75 se
ANYTHING ARC is probably better than anything else, with caveats, of course.  No company is perfect.  This one is a true GEM.  An ARC pre-amp would complete your system with the highest quality products available.  As you know, ARC pre-amps are, a... 
What a pile of Schiit
Well, since there is only ONE audio company in the world, what are you going to do?   R  
Got a screw loose?
Better idea:  Ditch the boxes and get Maggies.  Only screws on them hold the nameplate and hookup terminals.   Cheers!  
Detachable Head shell or Not?
Back in the old days (1970's), this was discussed quite a bit.  I believe that the consensus was that the lower mass of a fixed head shell offered the best reproduction.  However, they are difficult to work with, as many have noted, and back then,... 
Speaker shootout question -- do you position the same or differently, depending?
As noted earlier in this thread, your ROOM is the most important variable in ANY sound system. Why do large venues hire audio experts to help design the room for them?  
In honor of her passing, BE MY BABY by Ronnie Spector and the Ronettes. Some "experts" say this is the best ever...Personally, I just love the sound they were able to achieve given the high quality of the TUBE recording gear and analog tape they ... 
Suggest your most desired MSRP $1,500-$3,000 Stand Mount for a Shootout.
After you waste time and hurt everyone's ears listening to all those boxes, hook-up a pair of Magnepans and let your group hear what was actually recorded on whatever source you are using.   Warning:  You only hear what you feed them, so GIGO app... 
How much of High End Audio is Horn Speakers?
Sorry, horns belong on the top of poles at HS football stadiums.  You cannot understand how they mess up sound reproduction until you listen to them next to an accurate speaker like Magnepans. Before you buy, give this a try IN YOUR ROOM.  If you... 
Are tubes psychological?
Interesting question.  For me, they simply make Maggies live up to their potential even though I do use a SS on the bottom end right now.  I would prefer a tube amp there as well, but will have to save a bit of $ to get that D-76A on ebay right no... 
amplifier longevity
I built my Hafler 500 at my desk in my shop in 1974.  Recent trip to my engineer showed it slightly out of bias.  Other than that, measured as if brand new and still sounds great on my Maggies (bottom end). Cheers!