
Responses from richopp

Speakers for string Quartets
Unfortunately,the Quads, as good as they are, cause listening fatigue rather quickly. IF you have quality electronics, I recommend you try Magneplaners IN YOUR ROOM.  If they are set up properly with quality electronics, you should be pleased. I... 
American Made Audio Products
Nice graphs.  What are they of?  I have no idea. Who cares?  I can draw some graphs of Bose 901's that look wonderful--their ads have young, serious-looking men in long white lab coats and Buddy Holly glasses standing around with clipboards attest... 
American Made Audio Products
Since Magneplaners are the only speakers that DO NOT distort what you feed them, seems like you can buy American AND have the best possible sound at the same time. Win-Win, I think they call that.   Cheers!  
Russian tube supply issues
@whomever above  REALLY?  You think people who are concerned about others buying from Russia at this time need mental attention?  And the other guy--the drunk, whatever, dude.   You must a been a hit in 'Nam with your buddies.  
Russian tube supply issues
Uh, a maniac is murdering humans and your biggest issue is, "can I get tubes for my billion dollar stereo?" You did it.  I am speechless.  
Will I benefit from a subwoofer with 20Hz speakers?
20Hz? Give me the titles of all 20Hz music you listen to and I will solve your issue, I am sure.  
Electric cars will ruin late night listening?
If you put a blue rag in the left window of your dining room right after the sun goes down, this will never be a problem.  
Limited soundstage between speakers
Buy Magneplaners.  Have an expert set them up IN YOUR ROOM. If they do not give you what you are seeking, I have no further suggestions other than change your hardware or sources. Cheers!  
Eric Clapton reveals this week of his declining health
@geoffkait You are clearly correct about Mr. L. I doubt he can hear anything or ever could, but he is a great marketing guy, right? As for Mr. Clapton, he is truly gifted--I read his book, which you all should do as well. When I listen to Al Di ... 
Speakers: Anything really new under the sun?
After Jim Winey invented Magnepan speakers, the rest were simply not important. IF you want speakers that reproduce WHAT YOU FEED THEM, this is your choice.  Then, you can fine-tune your electronics and source information. If you start with spea... 
Magnepan and Bob Carver Raven amps
At least you all recognize that Maggies need high wattage and basically deliver what you put into them. I would suggest the best pre-amp you can afford.  Audio Research has been known for quality pre-amps since the 1970's, so maybe try out one of... 
Are there speakers that disappear regardless of the recording?
The only ones I suggest are Magneplaners, but you need to have them set-up properly and you need quality hardware.  They only reproduce what you give them, so speak to a good dealer and have them set up IN YOUR ROOM and see what you think. Don't ... 
What is it I'm failing to grasp?
Lots of good comments here, and mostly on point.  One thing I have found in the recent past is that the live performances I have attended both indoor and outdoor have varying qualities of professional sound management. For example, at a recent ou... 
For all you Bose 901 Haters!
Well, so many ideas come to mind.  First was the hysterical laughing fit we had in my shop when we finally got around to hooking up a pair of these (1974).  I still remember my tummy hurting from laughing so much.  I think we actually fell on the ... 
Decisive moments your your audio journey
When I opened my shop in 1974, I had Audio Research and Magneplaners there.  After listening to them, I then put every other speaker we sold (about 16 different high-end brands) on the same electronics and some others (McIntosh, Phase Linear, Crow...