
Responses from richopp

Frequency response while streaming stops at 15kHz- did I miss something in the fine print?
Yeah, well, here you go... back as to what YOU hear on your main system... 
What were the radio stations of your youth that helped you on your music/audio journey?
Away at school in the 4th grade in the mountains of Virginia from 1957-1961, we had limited radio reception.  I had a cream-colored Zenith radio that was about 8" high and 12" wide and about 3-4 inches wide. I looked at a bunch of pics of old Zeni... 
How to listen /audition at audio shows?
@millercarbon So, how does it feel to be dumber than a sack of hair?Your posts are laugh riots...everything you say is such BS. Do you sit around and make this up full time, or do you just do it in your sleep? 
What song have you played the most?
Allman Brothers Live at the Fillmore East:Stormy MondayBest back-to-back live guitar solos ever recorded. Duane and Dickey--just wow. Play them LOUD on Maggies with great Audio Research gear.Saw them play live from the side of the stage in 1972 wi... 
Does Heavy Metal music benefit from a high end audio system?
You will go deaf more quickly? 
Science that explains why we hear differences in cables?
Once again, every electron I ever interviewed has told me that they prefer cables that work rather than ones that do not.  By work, they mean no cuts between the beginning of the wire and the end.Cheers! 
What do audiophiles do in their cars?
@rodman99999  Thanks for the information and website.I will look into it right away. My question is, why did this start "all of a sudden" as I have had the car for a number of years?Anyway, thank-you very much!Cheers,Richard 
The smoothest amp you've heard?
I have not heard their newest ones, but the Audio Research D-150 is a beast, and accurately smooth as silk on Maggies.I wish I had 3 of them!Cheers! 
What do audiophiles do in their cars?
So, the correct answer is, "Whatever they want."Sorry, you asked.In my C-2, which is a DRIVER that I decided to buy after years of trailer-queens and a room full of dusty trophies, I put in a system against all the "rules."  The C-2 world is compo... 
Does Heavy Metal music benefit from a high end audio system?
Only if you can get the RATT out of it... 
Anyone dislike Ohm Walsh speakers?
See, you go about this from an odd place. ALL speakers have their fans, so I tend to think more about the accuracy of the reproduced music.Walsh speakers are not worse than or much better than many box speakers. They have their good points, and th... 
Would Appreciate Advice Before I Buy
Any box speaker distorts sound.  Try out the least expensive Magnepan speakers before writing a check.Cheers. 
Solid state amp to go with tube preamp; used ok; budget: $3k max
I am going to sell it in a while, so not currently available, but my Hafler 500 has been running my system for 45+ years with an Audio Research pre-amp (newer one).  I am going to be bi-amping my Maggies using the Audio Research EC-21 that was des... 
Looking for new speakers for large audio room
SUGGESTION:With a room that size, don't buy anything until your dealer installs a pair of the best Magneplaners.  Be sure you have GREAT electronics--you only hear what you put into them, so GIGO.If they don't knock you off your feet--once they ar... 
Who Were Your Mentors
Opening a high-end shop in 1973 and learning by LISTENING to the many, many products we carried--over 75 different manufacturers--crazy bookkeeping--and then spending my time LISTENING to everything when we closed the doors for the day.I also happ...