
Responses from richard_stacy

Best earbuds/earphones
Update...Like all things audio, I started and could not stop. I did finally find a way to get a seal with the UE's but found them to me muddy and loaded in the mids. This seems odd to me as all the reviews I have read suggest that they are ultra c... 
Top 3 power cord for DAC
Acoustic Revive or MIT Oracle Z3 
Bands that had a "masterpiece", w/ common theme
Timrhu...I'd have a hard time picking one over the other but gun to my head I'd take Michigan. I'm just happy to see other's digging his work. 
Bands that had a "masterpiece", w/ common theme
07-25-10: TimrhuHow could I forget Sufjan Stevens - Come On Feel The IllinoiseAnd...Greetings From Michigan The Great Lakes State 
Acoustic/Classical guitar. Who is your favorite?
A specific Pepe Romero album I would suggest is the Juoquin Rodrigo Conciertos, Pepe Romero, Los Romeros - Academy of St. Martin-in-the-Fields - Mariner, Rodrigo Joaquin (1901-1999)(PHILIPS)3 disc set which is a phenomenal recording as well as an ... 
Acoustic/Classical guitar. Who is your favorite?
Pepe RomeroI promise you will not be disappointed and will most likely be amazed. 
Spectral amp choice+ Eidolon
Ack...nice idea. I'm there (1rsw)... 
Sun Kil Moon "Admiral Fell Promises"
Here is a review that sums it up pretty well (although he is from Ohio, not the Bay Area!!)..."An affinity for letting loose and rocking out isn't necessarily the first quality one might associate with Mark Kozelek's music, but a fair amount of th... 
Sun Kil Moon "Admiral Fell Promises"
I am not 100% certain but I think they are all his songs. I have only given a couple of good listens and nothing struck me as familiar....although, I would have a hard time making Modest Mouse from Tiny Cities (agree...sweet)!It's different from A... 
Spkr cables for Wilson WP 7
I use MIT cables with my wp7's. I had been running older MH850 reference but this year switched to Oracle V2.2. Things are sounding pretty damn good is about all I can tell you! It is hard to go wrong with MIT to these ears. 
Is the Transporter gone out of production forever?
Cerrot...Those are really tough questions and I don't think any of us can answer them accurately. Changing your digital cable will certainly change the sound, some just different, some different and better, some worse. The Nordost is a very bright... 
Laurie Anderson "Homeland"
No, not HDCD. 
Laurie Anderson "Homeland"
it is really something, one of my favorites by Antony. Especially the last track,"Soft Black Stars". I only have a FLAC file though, no disc.... 
Laurie Anderson "Homeland"
Jax do you have the "I Fell In Love With A Dead Boy" EP/CDS? 
Laurie Anderson "Homeland"
Jax...I have some lesser known offerings from Antony you can check out:The Jamie Saft Trio Plays Bob Dylan - Antony does a version of Living the Blues.Dark Was the Night, Compilation - Antony contributes I Was Young When I Left Home with Bryce Dre...