
Responses from richard_stacy

Is the Transporter gone out of production forever?
I have a great deal of experience with both products and to answer both competing product I have heard "rivaled the Transporter in sound quality" and no, to my ears, does the Touch equal or surpass the Transporter. My comparison has... 
Laurie Anderson "Homeland"
Funny you mention the extension...your amps and woofers will get a workout on track one for certain.Also some appearances from Antony. He has become the TPain of the Avant Guard! For a while, Tpain was on every R&B single recorded and popping ... 
Laurie Anderson "Homeland"
Good to see so many appreciate her.Rereading my original comment and a few more spins (of the hard drive) and I may have overstated the "narrative style". There is a dramatic return of the Voice of Authority in the 11.5 minute centerpiece "Another... 
Laurie Anderson "Homeland"
Great article, thanks! 
Album Cover art with Logitech Touch
Yes and it's very easy to do with the batch converter. I am surprised that the art issue is occurring with Apple Losless though...hmmm. Since the rescan corrected it I am guessing it was just a freak thing. Mine does it on new scans sometimes and ... 
Album Cover art with Logitech Touch
Bmc is correct. FLAC is the native format for Squeexebox server and it responds best to it. I have little experience with Itunes or Apple formats (and hope I never do!) but some formats, WAV for example do not support art and metadata well. you ma... 
Which cost more: your system or your car?
System and it's really not close. One thing that has not been mentioned is the fact that, for me, the system is the result of 20 some years of development. That matters too. I like cars and have been through phases where I love them but for now, w... 
Good amps for Thiel CS 3.7 speakers?
Great system, congrats and enjoy! 
Best earbuds/earphones
Hmmm...Mrk's comments have me a bit concerned about the Ety because those issues are exactly what I did not like about the UE and Turbine. Zero musicality and even less bass. I am not so much concerned about the controls because the Droid does mos... 
Best earbuds/earphones
Once again, great stuff. Hellofi...Sounds like the P version is what I am looking for. I think I read that those are sold at the Apple store so I may try to run out there although they may not carry the ER4 being more of a higher end piece. There ... 
Best earbuds/earphones
Great suggestions guys, thanks so much.I was having a hard time sleeping last night and started thinking about this thread for some odd reason. I was laughing inside...what the heck...this is such an odd curse to have. 99% of the population are pe... 
Best earbuds/earphones
Loomis...Thats a pretty good idea, no I had not. It certainly makes physical sense that they would sound better. I would have to see whats out there and try some on. I would be concerned that they would be bulky and limiting but I am open to it fo... 
Best earbuds/earphones
HelloFi...Many thanks for the reply. I have not tried a different amp because I am searching for a portable solution. These will mainly be used with my Droid playing 320kbs mp3 or flac so I am limited. I do realize this is not a great source for f... 
NOS Western Electric wire used for power cables??
Fuzzbutt17...I asume you were talking to me and no, never met SQ in my life nor come across him in the forums. I'm just a regular Joe idiot audiophile who occasionally wastes valuable time from my life here."you must be on the "short list" of audi... 
NOS Western Electric wire used for power cables??
Fuzzbutt17...I am one of the "people on this thread" which you are suggesting need to know of SQ's personal/vocational resume and I can assure you, I do not. Respectfully, please do not act as a spokesman for the rest of the forum community (at le...