
Responses from richard_stacy

Chicks With Guitars
Wow. Lots of new names to look into, thanks fella's!Here is a few more I like:Jen CloherSarabeth TucekLaura VeirsMountain Man (Yes, they are girls)The Unthanks (Celtic Chicks)The Audreys (Chicks from down under)Naomi SommersDiana JonesHeidi Talbot... 
Chicks With Guitars
Jazzcourier - Never heard of those chicks either but will check them out for sure. Most of the ones I listed are part of the newer breed of singer/songwriter, nu-folk types. Not sure where that "chicks with guitars" label came from but I always he... 
Favorite music
Marco you are correct. It's Painting With Words and Music that I have. I always get the titles mixed up. It's an intimate performance in the round thing. Great version of Amelia and Hejira which are 2 personal favorites. Thanks for keeping me stra... 
Favorite music one, thanks for letting me steer this off on Chris Whitley for a few.... 
Favorite music 
Favorite music
Great thread Albert. These are artists dear to my musical taste and history. Chris Whitley was truly special and I felt it the minute I heard the first notes of Living With the Law. I believe he was a roadie or guitar tech for Daniel Lanois around... 
Vote for best US made solid state amp
and yet another vote here for Spectral. Now will someone please sell me a damn pair of DMA 360 series 2!!!!!! 
Sun Kil Moon "Admiral Fell Promises"
Enjoy Marty! You actually inspired me and I played April this morning. Had not heard it for a bit and it still has the magic for me. I never tire of that album. 
Best CD I've heard so far 2011.........
Have fun at the show old man. Thought you gave up live music? I agree 100% with your take on her new album. I do enjoy it and grateful she is making music...not her best though. Unfortunately, she is not coming around the Ohio way so we'd have to ... 
Sun Kil Moon "Admiral Fell Promises"
Marty my favorite by far is April, under the Sun Kil Moon name. If you can find the one with the bonus tracks it's worth it. Not that big on his early RHP stuff. Admiral Fell Promises is beautiful and well worth owning too.I have heard he can come... 
YouTube Favorites to share.
Aldo that's a great one! I love the cover of The Wieght from the same show w/Old Crow Medicine Show. Harmonies from heaven. 
Subwoofer for Wilson Maxx2
The MIT are pricey. You don't have to get that level though. Something like th Oracle V2.2, which I used to have, are fantastic and you can get great deals on them now. Those would be perfect for your system.I love my digital stuff. I have had the... 
Subwoofer for Wilson Maxx2
Mgm....I have a Krell FPB 600c, Berkeley Alpha DAC which I use directly to my amp, Maxx 2's, cables are MIT Oracle Matrix 50 ic and Matrix 90 speaker, Oracle MA-X digital, Acoustic Revive power products. Having typed all that, I am in the process ... 
Subwoofer for Wilson Maxx2
Mgm....I had the Thiel SW1 which I believe is now called the SS2 and has a different amplifier. At the time, I was using a Theta processor and I the lowest I could cross over at was 40Hz. I never had a pair so my experience has only been with sing... 
Subwoofer for Wilson Maxx2
Oracle (appropriate!)...I appreciate your vast experience but do not believe 11ft into a room is likely appropriate placement. I also do not believe it makes solid sense to crossover Maxx 2 at 60Hz. And....I also believe it difficult to integrate ...