
Responses from ricevs

Peachtree GaN 1 Beta
Apparently you don’t know that the LSA Voyager and the Peachtree GaN400 are essentiallly the same amplifier. Both use the same amp boards and probably the same power supplies from EAS (Eleagant Audio Solutions). The LSA site says there are just a ... 
Peachtree GaN 1 Beta
I don’t need to bet on the Gan 1 versus Gan 400.....it has already been A/Bed here on this thread. I was talking about the Technics and Lyngdorf amps....which both also use digital amp technology. The GaN 1 has no input switching or bit reducing v... 
Peachtree GaN 1 Beta
The GaN 400 is nothing like the GaN 1.  The GaN 400 has one dollar op amps on the input with a ton of feedback.  It requires a DAC in front of it.  It certainly is a good amp (same amp as LSA Voyager).....but it no better than the Orchard Stereo a... 
Peachtree GaN 1 Beta
This is his MO.....he will keep pestering you as long as you reply. Best to put him on ignore because what he wants is fighting drama and attention (he knew in advance what the reaction to his comments would bring as he has done the EXACT same thi... 
Peachtree GaN 1 Beta
Re Kuribo comments:....We have 7 people commenting here that this thing sounds amazing on THEIR speakers. We have ZERO people saying it does not sound great on THEIR speakers. When the number of praises gets to 100 will you still come on here and ... 
Peachtree GaN 1 Beta
They are sold with a 30 day money back thang.....so anyone can try one.....including any dealer. But then you would have to sign up as a dealer to sell them. And why would you want to sell them when you hardly make any money on it. You want to sel... 
Peachtree GaN 1 Beta
This amp is not really about zero feedback.....it it MUUUUCH more. This amp is revolutionary. You are eliminating the DAC, Preamp, regular amp and analog cables. LESS IS MORE. I am pretty sure the stock GaN 1 is not quite as good as $400,000 worth... 
Peachtree GaN 1 Beta
I see you love to tinker.  Each of the different things you did should be audible. "never really know if they make any difference" seems very odd to me.  Everything I do in my system I hear and can describe.  Wire will sound best twisted in the sa... 
Peachtree GaN 1 Beta
I did not say that bnc connectors were inferior or superior to rca. You would have to listen to the connectors to know which is better. What is on the GaN 1 is an rca. If you add an adapter, then you add the "sound" of an adapter. If someone reall... 
Peachtree GaN 1 Beta
You want more? How about making your own speaker and bi-amping with two of these amps. You get a miniDSP Flex (digital out version) $500 and you use this as your digital xover after your streamer......it has two digital coax outs so you can use on... 
Peachtree GaN 1 Beta
mbolek, On one had you rave about the sound.....and then with the other hand you say its best use is using it with cheap streamers in a secondary system......HUH? How can you be raving about the sound in your main system and say this? I think th... 
Peachtree GaN 1 Beta
Thanks for the pics......now I see even more I can mod.  So far, everyone who has tried this thing has loved it and it beat whatever they had before.  I wonder how good it could sound with a Lumn U1 mini ($2400) with its super lossless LEEDH volum... 
Peachtree GaN 1 Beta
A digital amp is a class D amp......but it has digital input and not an analog input. It changes the PCM directly to PWM in software and then drives a class D output stage. It does not use digits to drive the speaker. What comes out of it is analo... 
Dust Settled Consensus- is the Benchmark AHB2 an Audiophile Amplifier?
Thre are no threads solely about one thing.  Audio is incredibly diverse and finding the right component and equipment can be a lifelong journey......so everything is open for discussion on any thread.  A couple of people on this thread describe t... 
Dust Settled Consensus- is the Benchmark AHB2 an Audiophile Amplifier?
Class H is not digital......class D is not digital. I already explained that the digital info is turned into PWM inside the "digital" amp....and then into the swtiching class D output stage. Yes, if you have analog then you need to convert it thr...