
Responses from rgs92

Quad 988 versus Quad 2805
I have seen more 2905s for sale (and for longer time periods) than 2805s. Any possible reason for this? Thanks. 
Harbeth Experts
Quick query, if you don't mind: I've always found thatplanars somehow produce the most natural, non-mechanicalvocals. How do the Harbeth's vocals compare to the Quads?Thanks in advance. 
anyone care to comment re: WP-8?
The bass IMHO has always been the strong point of theWatt Puppy series. The highs are an acquired taste. I heardthe WP8 recently and the signature WP highs and upper mids,a kind of jangly, ever-so-slightly abrasive sound instrings and vocals, are ... 
What do you think about Edge amps ?
I have the NL12 series and it is sweet with extremelyreslolute and natural bass. It benefits greatly (smoother highs, well integrated bass) from a good power cord (Shunyata Anaconda Alpha in my case). A nice featurefor me is that it runs just warm... 
Need cdp power cord recommendations.
Shunyata Anaconda VX. Very "right" sounding--nothingstands out. Not brittle, punchy, tizzy, or rolled-off, justsmooth and resolute. Anaconda Alphas work well too on digital, just a trifle less smooth.(Now replaced by Helix; never heard the Helixes.) 
Wilson owners Call of Duty
Not an exact answer, but after hearing Wilson Watt Puppiesin several shops and shows, the Transparents did theabsolutely best job (especially taming the WP "scratchiness"). Sorry, never heard the Sophias. 
How to evaluate preamps?
Interesting comment about the ML 32 pre. I used itwith an Accuphase DP75V CD player for a long time andone day connected the DP75V directly to my Edge NL12 ampand, yes, it made the ML 32 sound broken (veiled and blurred). (Yes, the DP75V has a lev... 
How to evaluate preamps?
Maybe for a controlled experiment connect a headphoneamp and set of phones you are familiar with and run itthrough the preamp outputs. The relative differences shouldbe clear (warm, detailed, up-front, whatever...). Use a known pair of interconnec... 
Thoughts on Kharma's new ceramic tweeter?
If fellow audigoners going the the NY HE 07 show want tomeet, let's say 3pm Friday May 11 by the Focal-JMLabs exhibit (usually associated with Sound by Singer).Maybe the same time Saturday. 
EMM original CDSD with DCC2-SE?
That should be the Focal/JmLabs exhibit, whichis usually handled by Sound By Singer,Friday May 11, 3pm. 
EMM original CDSD with DCC2-SE?
For the HE audio show in NY, 'love to meet any fellowaudiogoners who are going. How about 3pm Friday May 11by the JM-Labs exhibit? Same Saturday. Just an idea. 
EMM original CDSD with DCC2-SE?
Sorry about confusing you with the other poster (too much late-night audiogon). Thanks for the info. It just seemed that the website indicated something different about thepower supply on the SE. 
EMM original CDSD with DCC2-SE?
One more question, in case anyone knows (thanks):Is the power supply differenton the CDSE-SE versus the older CDSD with the USB port?(Frankg mentioned that above.)Is the chassis different? The EMM website refers to (for the CDSD-SE)"Active power f... 
Will a "universal voltage" component work in US?
Thanks everyone. 
EMM original CDSD with DCC2-SE?
Yes, that is just the kind of info I was was looking for. Thanks a million for taking the time to write your impressions. No, EMM does not now (or in the recent past) offer CDSD upgrades. I have talked to them about it.