
Responses from rgs92

New Audio Physic Virgo 5 ?
I would add to this that it looks like they have a newgeneration of the Avanti also (also version 5 with,it appears, the same new driver as the Virgo).Any comments or info on this, too, would be interesting.Thanks. 
Review: Ray Samuels Audio Apache Headphone Amplifier Amplifier
Thank you! 
Sennheiser HD 650 Headphones
We should all send our condolances to head-fi.org,which has been laid low by a system crash. A post-mortemof the problem has been posted at its website: http://www.head-fi.org/ 
Sennheiser HD 650 Headphones
The new Zu Mobius cable for the Senn 650s is thin, flexible, and sounds great. 
Girlfriends and wifes, how do YOU cope?
I think I said this before, but the answer is headphones, headphones, headphones. I know most folks don'tthink they can substitute for speakers, and I didn'tbelieve it either, but they have their own specialcharms that become addictive. This is es... 
Best way to break in a tube amp? With cheap tubes?
Thanks Cyconlicman--I like the metaphor. 
Best way to break in a tube amp? With cheap tubes?
Thanks for the advice everybody. One more thing--does anyone use tube dampers (vibration control devices or coolers of any sort)? Thanks again. 
Review: Ray Samuels Audio Apache Headphone Amplifier Amplifier
The Omegas have a sound signature all their own, or at least they are really directly comparable to other electrostics. The strengths are a way of taming digital(or other) audible flaws that cause discomfort or pain while still retrieving detail. ... 
Review: Ray Samuels Audio Apache Headphone Amplifier Amplifier
Thanks. I'm always happy to hear I'm not just talking to myself. You know, headphone sound has come a long way in the last 9 or 10 years with little increase in cost, when my Sennheiser 600s and a then-current headroom Max were among the best out ... 
Review: Ray Samuels Audio Apache Headphone Amplifier Amplifier
Some more thoughts on this (AKG K701 headphones):I let my AKG K701s with their relatively recent Moon Audio Black Dragon (SE) cable break in a bit with my Apache, and I have a new appreciation of these phones. The forwardness I had heard has compl... 
Best sounding LP nobody else has ever heard of...
Well, not really obscure, just maybe forgotten:Stevie Wonder - Innervisions. Amazing bass. 
Review: Ray Samuels Audio Apache Headphone Amplifier Amplifier
Thanks for the kind words.I just wanted to add that, since the first review in thisthread, no tone controls have been used. I have theApache driven directly out of the preamp outputs ofthe EMM DCC2. (I use the preamp outputs to getremote volume co... 
Review: Ray Samuels Audio Apache Headphone Amplifier Amplifier
Ray has upgraded the Apache with a new National Semi opamp(a free mod to all existing Apache owners.) Here are my impressions.Well, I just got my Apache back with the new National Semi op-amp mod and made some quick listening tests.(I will do some... 
Review: Ray Samuels Audio Apache Headphone Amplifier Amplifier
Yep, I traded my 600s for 650s a few years back.The 650s sound (to me) more directbut not aggressive or punchy.However, I understand some folks like the 600s better,so remember it's just my opinion. 
Review: Ray Samuels Audio Apache Headphone Amplifier Amplifier
Tough call. The 650s are very good or great on just all recordings I have tried. Smooth, lush, well-balanced.The Grados can be tooraw or aggressive on some recordings, but whenthe recording is right, which is quite frequent, the Grados are just pe...