
Responses from redwoodgarden

Room size and dimensions
The golden ratio is based on Fibonacci progression ratio which is 1:1.618..... This means that what ever the smallest room dimension is (probably ceiling height) multiply it by 1.618 to get the next room dimension. Then multiply that by 1.618 to g... 
Looking for 42in Plasma TV Please help
I agree with theaudiotweak. Samsung's DLP TV is the way to go. Plasma TVs are filled with a gas that WILL leak out over a ten year period. After that the TV is dead and nothing can revive it. The reason why plasma TV repair plans cost $1000 dollar... 
Berlioz Symphonie Fantastique; recommendations....
I love to hear the chimes in the fifth movement. It has such a haunting feel to it. The version that does the best job with the chimes is the 1997 Deutsche Grammophon recording of the Cleveland Orchestra with Pierre Boulez. The chimes are in the f... 
Center speaker placement
In line with the TV is the way to go. Otherwise the voices will sound like they are coming from the ceiling, or floor. One center speaker on line will not work either unless you don't mind the speaker in front of the screen.The answer is to have t... 
Audiophile Vs. Techfile
Reading this whole thread should be a REQUIREMENT for those new to Audiogon. It fully conveys what it means to be an audiophile. Enjoy! 
Center Channels sound crappy
The center channel for home theater is meant for dialog only. You really don't need a center channel speaker for TV if the two main speakers are on line with the TV screen. You will never get the dialog image right with a center speaker unless you... 
What is your cost for each system category ?
Hey guys, let's control our tempers! Audiogon has a reputation for having civilized conversations. I hope that I haven't stepped on anyone's toes. 
What is your cost for each system category ?
Karls, that's OK; everytime you buy a Valhalla cable, Nordost laughs all the way to the bank. 
What is your cost for each system category ?
I recently came to the same conclusion. Does anyone want to buy my Virtual Dynamics highest end cable? 
What is your cost for each system category ?
I guess what we have here is a good lesson in humility. It's fine to start off with general formulas. Your right that as one gets deeper into this obsession, the more individualistic the system becomes. The only thing that we all have in common is... 
What is your cost for each system category ?
The main emphasis is %, not cost, for each category to determine the priority of each. 
What's your profession? Age?
At 58, I am a retired high school chemistry and biology teacher. Now I can sit back and relax and listen to 12Hz organ music at 100dB. 
Surge Protection?
Go over to tech talk and look up the thread: dedicated lines/ surge protectors. 
Why is 2 Channel better than multi-channel?
I have developed a hybrid of the two that, in my opinion, is better than either 2 channel or multi-channel. I have a 2 channel CD going through a 4-2 multi-channel stereo system. There is no multichannel processor to screw up the sound. The 2 chan... 
Is $18,000 enough for a high end HT?
Slappy, why not incorporate the $50,000 two channel stereo into your home theater. Unfortunately I listened to too many opinions here that frown on combined HT and 2 channel stereo. When there's a will, there's a way. I thought long and hard about...