
Responses from rec

good jazz piano
I would also look at Earl Hines Live at the Village Vanguard. Shirley Scott's piano work is often overshadowed by her brilliant organ playing and of course almost anything by Monk,Evans and Brubeck. 
Power cord for Rowland Model 10?
I use a Cardas Golden Power Cord with my Model 10. I found it to be a good match with Rowland gear. Rowland uses a Cardas cable to connect the amplifier to the power supply. The changes in my system were subtle but an improvement. 
loose tubes
I recently had a loose connection in one of my output tubes in one of my monoblocks and it arced and shorted out some equipment upstream from it. The fellow who repaired my equipment thought it was the loose connection that caused it.(I recently m... 
Another blues great passes...
I was deeply sadden when I heard about the recent death of John Lee Hooker. I have been listening to his music since I was a teenager. I was born in 1948 the same year he first recorded his first record "Boogie Chillen", it went to No. 1 on the Bi... 
VHS Audio Recording
I have used my Hifi VCR for audio recordings for years.The specs. exceed my Tandberg reel to reel at 71/2 speed. In my system the sound reproduction is excellent. It is also my understanding that you can record at the lower speed because of the mo... 
Who is the sexiest female vocalist?
My vote goes to Nina Simone, she can sing it all, the blues, jazz, broadway, pop and folk. She has a deep catalog of lps and cds to choose from. 
Best Rainy Day music
It has been raining here on and off for the last 2 days and I have been listening to Paul Desmond. 
Where to buy new rock LP s?
I have bought a number of new releases on vinyl including rock titles at: they provide excellent service at competitive prices. Good luck. 
Placette Audio Volume Control
I had the Placette in my system for over a year and found it to be everything it claims to be, transparent with no sound signature of it's own. I was so impressed with it that I went to a Placette Linestage. Guy Hammell of Placette is very knowled... 
Best Pressing Recommendations Please
I agree with the above, as far as The Doors , DCC has the best vinyl pressing. I don't belive there is a current pressing of Brubeck's Gone with the Wind, you will probably have to find a used copy . Good luck, I have every title you listed on vin... 
Best audio racks
I just added a second rack to my system last week and bought a Lovan. Go to for pictures and text. If you deceide to go with Lovan contact me and I will give you a e-mail address of a dealer that I found with the best prices. Go... 
Red Dawn 11 vs SPM Speaker Cable
Thanks for the responses, I received a e-mail directly from Nordost and they said that the Red Dawn Rev 11 offers 90 - 95 percent of the SPM and my budget and listening preferences should determine which one to use. Looking at a used pair of bi-wi... 
PS Audio LAMBDA II Transport
In the past I have had both the Lamda transport and the Unltralink DAC. I also experienced trouble with the transport not reading some cds. The trouble with my transport was the laser needed to be realigned. You can go to for suppo... 
Phono stage--please help
The EAR I had didn't have a volume control, I read a review in Stereophile that recommended the unit without one because of the possible associtated noise it puts in the path. I have no expereinced so I really can't say. By the way, I understand t... 
Phono stage--please help
I had an EAR phono stage in my system until I upgraded to a preamp with phono. I found it to be an excellent product with enought gain to push even a low output MC. It is not bright sounding at all and may had add some of that warm tube sound to y...