
Responses from rbstehno

Bands/artists you never got to see live in their heyday, but would've liked to.
  Stevie Ray Vaughn     Jimi Hendrix pink Floyd   
Ready For Digital Source...Computer?
If you are using usb to the dac, you will never get the best performance. All music servers are computers usually with a proprietary OS which is a bad approach for support.  Some vendors will also tell you that certain hard drives or ssd/nvme devi... 
Capital Audiofest, save thyself!
What makes people think that the music they bring will be widely accepted or better than the music the vendor provides? I have walked out of rooms because I couldn’t stand someone’s music they played.It used to be that there were a short list of s... 
Have you moved away from full range to standmount speakers + subs?
blkwrxwgn - you must be new to ago, MC does this sort of thing many times a day. He comes to the rescue of any post regarding his speaker brand (I'm not going to mention it because it will wake him) to state how arrogant or ill informed the poster... 
Better than Usher Dancer Mini-X DMD?
Keep the mini-x’s, better than the Focal or dynaudio mentioned above IMO. You can’t compare the mini-x to the 718’s from the past unless the 718’s had the DMD tweeter which is a game changer. I have and still own many Usher speakers, the later 1’s... 
Drummers! Which amps do you use for best Timing & Dynamics?
As a drummer, what's important for me is the highs (tweeter) and how fast the decay is in the bass. I remember in 1978 when purchasing my 1st hifi system, I would go in with albums that I liked to show off the drum sound and listened for cymbal so... 
Streamer vs. new mac mini for 2 channel system
you are looking at this the wrong way. Its not the Mac that is the issue (in over a dozen years running over multiple Macs, never have had any crashing/issues), its USB. If you look at the different threads about using USB, you will see hundreds i... 
Budget Hunter: Spendor S8e vs Totem Hawk
Totem if you like a more dynamic speaker. Totems are not edgy or bright sounding. I have owned and listened to British speakers and all are too dark for me except B&W, they are way to bright for me. 
How are most audiophiles going from streamers to DACS
Ethernet or I2S. Most people will say there dac doesn't have those connections and you would be right. The better dacs do and for good reason. You can spend hundreds if not much more trying to get USB to sound half way decent and that's after spen... 
How many dealers do you use?
0 for over a dozen years.last dealer was the used dealer in pdx. I attended ces and rmaf and got many ideas on what to get. Problem with most dealers is that they don’t have all the gear you want. 1 dealer might have the speakers you want, but not... 
Best Preamp and Amp combination, interesting finding!!!
oldaudiophile - your statement isn’t true for all cases. I thought the same way by owning nice integrated amps costing $6000 or more. With those systems I used more efficient a little smaller speakers. I upgraded my speakers to larger bigger speak... 
Best Preamp and Amp combination, interesting finding!!!
Why do you need a preamp? I eliminated my analog setup so I use my PSA DS sr dac straight to my amp. I think the amp is more important than a preamp: some of the speakers I have owned required a more powerful amp to get the best sound out of the s... 
What speaker has the best tweeter?
Usher DMD Diamond tweeter 
Revel Performa F228 Be speaker... thoughts?
I like the revel line of speakers. The 228’s are very nice but I preferred the Salon and Studio 2’s. When auditioning speakers a few years back, I ended up buying the larger Usher speakers instead of the Salon 2’s. I prefer the DMD Diamond tweeter... 
How many of you are digital only systems?
Again, somebody doesn't know what they are talking about in regards to RTR. RTR has a 3-3/4 speed not 3.5. BTW: I've owned a few 10" RTR 15ips decks and RTR sounds great at 15ips, ok at 7.5, and terrible at 3-3/4 and 1-7/8. Too hard to get tapes a...