
Responses from rbstehno

Montreal Audio Show - anyone hear the FR30’s?
If you would have gone to the Tampa bay audio show last month, there were many  mid fi or even terrible sounding speakers that were way north of $30k. There was a tower speaker teamed up with creek gear and the speakers were ok sounding, and they ... 
Intergrated Amp suggestions for B&W 805d4
You need a warm sounding amp with B&W speakers. Check out the latest McIntosh integrateds. They have 250-300 watts with plenty of power.  
streamer Lumin U1 or Aries G2.1
USB sucks! It doesn't surprise me that another input sounded better. Not sure what people think they are going to get out of a dedicated music server over a nicely setup server running Roon? You should not have any server in your music room or you... 
GIK alternatives
I have GIK panels and I picked them up from their office in Atlanta. I would have recommended them until I heard the news above. I also use ASC and Michael Greene treatments  
Speaker positioning: why do audiophiles neglect this so much?
The room and speaker positioning are the number 1 task to get right or nothing else will. I think what you see in peoples system is equipment in non-dedicated rooms so they are limited on how far out they can bring the speakers out from the back w... 
Madman! Digital vs Vinyl
I sold my $15k tt setup a few years ago and every vinyl album I had. I also did numerous comparisons between vinyl and hi res digital (dsd, MQA, 24/192), and digital won.   
Looks like PS Audio has a hit on their hands with the new speaker
You guys haven’t been out lately to shows have you? Have you seen what’s on the market these days for $28k? I attended the Florida audio expo a few weeks ago and most of the speakers cost more than you he PSA speakers and they sounded like crap. T... 
Audiogon Question
It’s easy to defraud PayPal as a buyer and PayPal almost always sides with the buyer. When I ship international I always have the buyer use PayPal friends and family so there is no recourse. Once you ship anything overseas/international, their is ... 
Wanting to upgrade my streaming sound quality.
A couple of things. Don't listen to people that have biases against MQA, their judgment is flawed to start with. Same as asking a pure analog guy how digital sounds, they will never tell you that digital sounds good. Good MQA IMO is better than vi... 
Rate my system/advise
There is a reason you always see B&W speakers with McIntosh or Classe amps. I have also found that Nordost cables are a little on the cool side. Adding more cool sounding gear with the B&W’s might not be the sound you want  
The problem with streaming
When somebody is into analog and they rant about how digital doesn’t sound as good as analog, it’s normally due to a weak digital setup and/or not listening to the best format in digital (redbook, dsd, MQA, hi-res). I stopped reading any review of... 
Tampa Audio Expo 2022
For the amount of money that most of these rooms had invested in their equipment that sounded pretty bad, 2 rooms for me stood out that weren't that expensive: the Black Ice room and the room with creek gear. This was the best sounding Creek gear ... 
Tampa Audio Expo 2022
This was my 1st Tampa audio expo and I agree with a couple of other people here that it didn't have the sound quality that other shows have had, especially for the price. For example, only a few years ago at RMAF, a pair of $6000 totems would have... 
Florida Audio Expo - Budget Room
Best budget room for me was the Jolida room. IMO, this room sounded better than most of the other rooms from floors 3 on up except for a few like the creek/passion room and the Magico room.  
It’s not price gouging! I wish people could understand economics. The idiots in this WH don’t understand how businesses work. If you pay somebody 2x more flipping a hamburger, that hamburger is going to be maybe $2 now. Even a Walmart employee tol...