

Responses from rar1

What is the best high efficient monitors under 1K?
I have the Omega Super 3's (narrow cabinet - $540 list) paired with a Prima Luna Prologue Two (SONY SCD 555 ES SACD player; IXOS Silver Gamma Interconnects; and Signal Cable Speaker Wire). The sound has a float in the air quality, musicians in the... 
Magnnum Dynalab tuners sound quality
From your preious posts, my takeaway is that you are using the Luxman as a tuner. After 20 years, it could probably use with a good cleaning and a tuner re-calibration. I am not sure who is a good tech in your part of the state. In Peekskill, ther... 
Breaking into the industry
Asonic:The best bet for a college graduate who will have a generalist/liberal arts degree is to pursue a graduate/trainee program. I say this because unless you have a very specific skillset, graduate programs are the best way to start out in most... 
Review: NAD C-320BEE Amplifier
Hi Gong:See your point ... but words like quality, and I am taking that to mean sound quality, are so subjective. I still think that a meaningful (and pretty cool) comparison, from an academic point of view, should be done with speakers and possib... 
12yr old NAD receiver or new?
NAD's new receiver (C720BEE) based on the 320BEE just came out last month; see product sheet .Regards, Rich 
Review: Prima Luna Prologue Two Tube amp
Mario:Owning the Prologue Two has made me re-think my main system set-up ... it really is that enjoyable an amp. Thanks for noticing the rack height clearance. Since those pictures were snapped, I have move some components around and re-adjusted t... 
Unintended lyrics
Give me the beat boys ... Drift Away by Doby Gray.Regards, Rich 
Review: NAD C-320BEE Amplifier
Hi Gong:I am not quite sure what would be achieved by comparing these two amplifiers head to head, unless you were going to do a four way comparison and use both modern era and vintage speakers. The comparisons would then be 320 w/modern; 320 w/vi... 
Do higher end tuners pull in more stations
Jeff:Eldartford's response has been the "on the money" advice for the last 30 years (if not more). Assuming a tuner of decent quality (more on that in a moment), the quality of the antenna that is used will affect what is heard more than spending ... 
pls recommend some "entry level" tube amp options?
Please see the review of the Prima Luna Prologue 2 that I submitted here about a month or so ago. It is an integrated tube amp and its performance is equal to, if not better than other more expensive power amps that I own. At $1345, it has me co... 
B&W 600 Series or PSB Image?
I like the NHT SB2 ($400 list) or the SB3 ($600 list) paired with NAD equipment. I had the NHT SB2's paired with a NAD C320BEE integrated and the sound was full, rich, and still very nuanced. Vocals were conveyed with a real sense of emotion and a... 
Fostex based speakers: Cain Abby or Omega Super3R
Restock:Actually, the Omega Super 3's started out in the wide cabinets. I had originally called Louis about the Omega 3's (his original $399 offering) last July and he had told me that he had discontinued making those and was offering the Super 3 ... 
Fostex based speakers: Cain Abby or Omega Super3R
I have been using the Omega Super 3 (Narrow Cabinet - same dimensions as the standard cabinet, it is just turned sideways) for the last 7 months in 2 of my systems. To cut to the chase, it is only when the speakers had about 350 hours on them that... 
magazine reviews
Brainwater:Thanks for the nice words ... especially, given the array of systems that you have. You have some stunning sytems, from both visual and content standpoints. I had remembered your jacuzzi set-up (with some longing), but I had never resea... 
magazine reviews
Sometimes the reviews can lead the parade, as in the case of the Prima Luna Prologue Two. It was mentioned highly first by Hi Fi Review and then reviewed by Stereophile; Absolute Sound; and HiFi Plus almost simultaneously. I have to admit that tha...