

Responses from rar1

Are there "Cliff's Notes" for the repertooire?
Aceto:I tend to double check my links ... but in the event of a problem, here is the link ... http://www.hypermusic.ca/hist/mainmenu.htmlRegards, Rich 
Are there "Cliff's Notes" for the repertooire?
Try this website ... it is called the History of Classical Music. Regards, Rich 
Best Neil Young Album?
After the Gold Rush ... and probably because it coincides with the time Neil was first with CSN&Y.An interesting follow-up question would be ... "what are Neil Young's best performances on record?" My votes would go with ... Buffalo Springfiel... 
RECIEVER recommendations
Hi Myth:I am a big fan of receivers. If you are buying new, there are really only three worth considering: 1. Music Hall Maven at $1500. This receiver was reviewed in a Sam Tellig Stereophile column in the last month or so. 2. NAD C720 BEE at ... 
Integrated Tube Around $1000
Matt:To your last point, I did not get that most responders felt that the Chinese made gear was of lower quality when compared to the European and American made gear (it was only Wes/Classic 95). At your stated price point of $1000, which manufact... 
My preferred 3 titles from this artiste..
Couvajazz:Knowing of your love for jazz, I went with a jazz artist. Given this artist's catalog and musicians that he played with, I went with 5 releases. Also, where there are separate redbook CD and SACD versions, I rated both.Regards, Rich Loui... 
Integrated Tube Around $1000
Hi Arthur;The 85db that I was referring to with the AR 302 and the NHT SB2 speakers was their sensitivity ... as opposed to the resultant sound level that I am driving them at. I doubt that I am using more than a watt or so of the Prologue Two's p... 
Integrated Tube Around $1000
A few notes ...1. The Prima Luna does not come with a remote.2. I have been running Acoustic Research 302 (85db) and NHT SB2 (85db) speakers with the Prologue Two in a 15 X 10 X 8.5 room. The volume control starts at the 7PM position ... at the 10... 
Integrated Tube Around $1000
I would recommend the Prima Luna Prologue One or Two. I purchased the Prologue Two. Please read my review here . So how good is the amp ... I am half considering selling my Musical Fidelity A300 CR and Musical Fidelity CD PRE 24 in my main system... 
Integrated amp advice needed...
Dan:Have you considered the Prima Luna Prologue Two ? The Prologue 2 is a 40 wpc tube integrated that has been well reviewed by just about every hifi magazine. I purchased one about 6 weeks ago and have been very impressed with it ... so much so,... 
Musical SS Amp Under $350 w/ Adcom GFP 565 Pre Amp
I looked at some of your recent posts and something seems to be getting to you about your current set-up. Have you been able to quantify that there is something missing from your system's sound or are you just torturing yourself thinking that ther... 
Amplifier hum: Does it need repair?
Have you tried a cheater plug (3 prongs to 2 prongs) on the Bel Canto's power cord? This would rule out/rule in a ground loop problem.Regards, Rich 
Bookshelf Speaker Problem
Hi Tom:This topic comes up from time to time. I have a similar situation with a 2 channel HT system in a 15 X 10 X 8.5 room. Here is the thread in which I explain how I approached this situation .I would think that with front ported speakers that... 
Paradigm or B&W?
I first owned a Musical Fidelity A3 integrated amp and then upgraded to a A300 CR power amp and CD PRE 24 preamp/cd player. In the Musical Fidelity progression of integrated amps ... from the A300 to A3 to A3.2 ... the A3.2 is noticeably the brigh... 
How Important Is The Cdp?
Dave & Clo:Since I wrote my response about 2 months ago, I have been on a bit of a journey with my systems. In my bedroom, I was pairing a vintage Marantz 2240 receiver with a Music Hall CD 25 cd player and Omega Super 3 speakers. The Omegas a...