

Responses from rar1

Townes Van Zandt fans?
For a while, it seemed that there was a new Townes' release everytime I went to a store ... and some sounded just terrible ... like they were recorded in the 30's or 40's or on a portable cassette recorder (think of Elvis' Hayride Recordings or so... 
Townes Van Zandt fans?
Townes was an excellent singer/storyteller/songwriter of the Tex Mex folk genre who left us way too early. You need to exercise some care though when you sample his recordings, as there are too many poorly recorded live albums that have been relea... 
Fisher XP-44B speakers?
Jason:This comes from the Vintage Asylum Section over at Audio Asylum. target=_blank href=http://db.audioasylum.com/cgi/m.mpl?forum=vintage&n=57136&highlight=xp-44b&r=&session=> Fisher XP thread . Apparently the XP's were pretty... 
why is this thing humming?
Matt:Have you tried a cheater plug (converts 3 prongs to 2 prongs)? This next comment may sound a little too tongue in cheek ... but the more expensive the equipment the greater the chance of ground loops and hums ... this never happens to $100 Pa... 
Which integrated amp is better?
Leroy:I have not heard the Jolida, but I have owned the Prologue Two for the last 4 or 5 months. I have enjoyed the Prologue Two so much that I purchased the Prologue Five (power amp only) and replaced the Musical Fidelity A300 CR in my main syste... 
What should I do with Castle Conway II speakers?
David:I suggested contacting Castle direct because (like EPOS 10 years ago), Castle manufactures all its own parts (in the UK). Castle's contact information is below.In the US, Audio Advisor used to sell Castle speakers. They may be able to supply... 
What should I do with Castle Conway II speakers?
David:Assuming that Castle is still making driver replacements or at least servicing them, the cost should not be that bad. This is usually not that time consuming a repair and labor is typically what drives the cost. I would contact Castle direct... 
unrestored Fisher 500-b receiver
Jason:I have had two 70's era solid state vintage Marantz receivers restored (Marantz 2216B and 2240). I used a different technician each time, but on average, each receiver cost me in the $300 to $400 range to restore. In each case, there was not... 
Triangle Stella vs Axiom M22??
MFH:If you will be using a NAD integrated amp (my guess is that you will be using the 320BEE or 352), take a look at the NHT SB2 speakers. They list for $400, but can be had for less at J&R Music (City Hall area ... Park Row subway stop on the... 
For those familiar with the original AR9 and tubes
Try this web-site, as it is a web-site for classic AR speakers. I am more familiar with the AR5 and am now running the current day (1995) versions of them (AR302). I am using a tube integrated amp (Prima Luna Prologue 2). My listening room is 1/10... 
Cayin 220C Integrated & CD15B CD Player
My guess it that it will sound similar to my experiences when I changed from a NAD C320BEE to a Prima Luna Prologue Two tube integrated this past March. I am still amazed as to how alive and musical sounding the change made. In fact, I replaced th... 
Best Speaker New or Used under $1.5K
Denon 53:Finding a good speaker at your price level shouldn't be the problem ... identifying what you like in a speaker is usually the problem. I recognize up front that my tastes are somewhat different, as I tend not to care for some of the more ... 
Looking for speaker suggestions
I have had excellent luck with NAD amplifiers and NHT speakers. Their floor stander is the NHT ST4. It is like getting two speakers in one in that there is a sealed enclosure/acoustic suspension (essentially the SB3) monitor on top and a side firi... 
A book shelf speaker to go on a bookshelf.
Hi Zola:I have written variations of this response over two dozen times, so here goes two dozen and one:1. Do not spend a ton of money on speakers that will sit on an open shelf near a back wall or on an enclosed shelf inside of a bookcase near th... 
Review: Primaluna Prologue 1 Tube amp
Actually, I replaced my 250 wpc solid state amp (Musical Fidelity A300 CR) with the Prologue Five. I live in an apartment house with more than its fair share of elderly residents, ... so I tend to play my music at low to medium levels. But if it h...