
Responses from raquel

VTL MB 450 sig v cj prem 8a's v Mac MC 501's
Dear Shane:It appears from your thread that you are home demo'ing various amps in your system, which is the hands down best way to demo equipment. Be very careful (i.e., skeptical) about other people's experiences with various amps in systems othe... 
Bill Evans' Peace Piece
I've got the Everybody Digs Bill Evans XRCD and the hiss is there. Recorded solo piano music is especially affected by tape hiss, as it rides high above the music where there is nothing to mask it. Nothing can be done about it other than to buy mo... 
Advice on choosing speakers
Donbellphd: what are you missing?Well, first, the budget proposed by the author of the thread ("I do not have a specific budget, but let's say less than 10K used"). I proposed a $5k and a $10k alternative. Second, rock music is quite hard to repro... 
Advice on choosing speakers
Hi Matt:I can propose two speakers at different price points, both of which I own (I know them well):(1) Vienna Acoustics Mahlers ($4-$5k used; $9,800 new):The Mahlers have a lot of finesse for the price. They are very transparent and image extrem... 
Were to go after a Rega Planet 2000?
Nickway: The small signal tubes in tube preamps and tube DAC's typically cost +/-$10 each. I think there are two tubes in the output stage of the Sonic Frontiers CD player I mentioned. But let's assume there are four. That's about $50 to retube th... 
Were to go after a Rega Planet 2000?
A Sonic Frontiers SFCD-1 can be had used for about $1,000 (it listed for $3,750).It is a truly excellent CD player by most anyone's standards.It uses tubes in the output stage. Were you once electrocuted by tubes? I can think of no good reason to ... 
Kimber Select 3033 vs AudioQuest?
Luna: Kimber Select 3033 and Audioquest's cables in the same price range are both excellent products, but which one will work best for you can only be determined by directly comparing them both in your system (you also need to first determine that... 
Sweet not so sweet
Mike: Generally speaking, yes, time-aligned speakers have small sweet spots and could sound better if you are listening off-axis (but not like a classic electrostatic, which can sound broken off-axis). 
Sweet not so sweet
You dont want Dunlavy, as they are time aligned and have a tiny sweet spot. Good speakers, but tiny sweet spot. 
Pure Note Paragon vs. Kimber Select
Tvad emphasizes what I could have perhaps explained better, namely, that cables are probably more system dependent than other components. In this regard, yes, I believe it would be best if people did not express opinions about the sound of cabling... 
Pure Note Paragon vs. Kimber Select
Redkiwi wrote: "Raquel, if there were only two cables in the world, your advice makes some sense." In fact, the poster of this thread was asking about exactly that -- two specific cables, not "hundreds". As for the rest of your admonishment, Kimbe... 
hilary hahn..violinist
When Heifitz's widow first heard Maxim Vengerov play, she gave him Heifitz's bow. She sums up my feelings. 
Do Kimber KCAG's sound bright????
Sean:I don't disagree with anything you wrote. And you'll note that my remarks referred to "good silver" (whatever that is). I think there are some myths out there about silver. Six-nines copper is actually more expensive. A lot of silver does sou... 
Speakers for Lamm ML2.1
Wright2005: "0" for form and minus a trillion for content. 
Pure Note Paragon vs. Kimber Select
There are three different Kimber Select products, specifically, all copper, copper/silver hybrid, and all-silver, and each is made as interconnects and speaker cables. Each sounds slightly different. Because the performance of interconnects and sp...