
Responses from raquel

Kimber Select 3033 versus 3035 and 3038
I had 3033 in my second system for three years and have now run 3038 in my main system for about the same period of time.In direct A/B comparisons in my two systems (both of my systems are of such quality to fully reveal the strengths and weakness... 
Best Song or AlbumTitles?
"Smell My Finger" - George Clinton 
Used Rowland 302 or H2O Signatures CD Direct
Rowland's 302 is not a Class D amp -- it features serious analog power supplies and weigh 95 lbs. (the 301's weigh 110 lbs. each).Can't answer your question, but as a general proposition, I have a real tough time believing that the H20's can compa... 
Vandersteen 5a's - an upgrade from Vienna mahlers?
The link to Israel Blume's comments about side-firing woofers referenced in my last post did not come through -- here it is again:http://www.coincidentspeaker.com/whatsnew.html#Anchor--The-39790 
Vandersteen 5a's - an upgrade from Vienna mahlers?
I respectfully disagree that people who purchase ported speakers have not done their homework regarding speaker design, or, that there is consensus among respected speaker designers that acoustic-suspension / sealed-box designs are superior.I live... 
Vandersteen 5a's - an upgrade from Vienna mahlers?
Sean: I respect your opinion and trust that you heard what you have reported about the Mahler's sound, but wonder whether your comments may be a bit harsh. Each Mahler has two 7' midwoofers, two 10" woofers and two ports, making its midbass and ba... 
Vandersteen 5a's - an upgrade from Vienna mahlers?
Hi Sean: Is your advice premised upon the fact that Vandy's have adjustable bass and thus have room placement advantages (and all that that entails), or do you also have direct experience with both of these speakers and have A/B'd them in a system... 
Categorizing records
I put together a catalog of my entire collection of LP's and CD's, reading artist name, album title, and album label and album number into a Dictaphone, album by album.I then paid my secretary to transcribe everything onto an Excel document.Being ... 
Best bang for my $1500-$300 bucks?
I ran 3.3's for about six months in a large-ish room.I have not had experience with the amps you mention, but will share my experiences nonetheless. Speaker cables were at all times either Kimber Select 3033 (all-copper) or Kimber Select 3038 (all... 
Which of These Budget SS Preamps?
Yes, Audio Research LS-3. 
Help my speakers are farting,,,,
It is almost certainly the tubes in your amps (or tubes elsewhere in your system, if any). Another term for the noise is "motorboating". With the amps turned off and unplugged, remove and then reinstall the tubes. That is often all it takes.Good l... 
What Patty Smith album to own?
"Damn it, Mick. With your hair so long and your lips so thick. Damn it, Mick." 
vpi aries/jmw-10, grado hum
Newbie is right. The Grado hum problems are well-documented.I run a Grado Sonata on my Rega Planar 3. I was told that it would be hit or miss with each individual Grado as to whether there would be hum if used on Planar 3's. I have a tiny bit of h... 
Alternatives to Revel Studios?
I have Salons in my main system and Vienna Acoustics Mahlers in my second system.In my systems, as good as the Salons are, the Mahlers image better and have a midrange voicing that I find preferable on a lot of music.The Mahlers are just as transp... 
Tube amp suggestions-Dunlavy IVA
The VAC Renaissance 70/70 was lovely on my old SC-III's, having more than enough power and all the finesse you could want. Extremely well-built and simple to use, too, because the tubes are self-biasing and the amp has a tube failure circuit that ...