
Responses from randy-11

Living in Audiophile Hell ! Buenos Aires , Argentina
with that screen name the OP should move up to near the Tex-Mex border 
Best Tubed Preamp For A Warm, Rich Sound, Yet Still Detailed and Agile
Living in Audiophile Hell ! Buenos Aires , Argentina
just be glad you aren't in Venezuela  
Harvard U. article on hearing loss research
oh great - spend $$$ to fix your hearing so you'll be forced to spend more $$$ on a better system;] 
ARC Ref 5se inferior to LS28?
"There are not a few people that will buy something that costs 50K who would not touch exact same  item were it priced at 25KDo you have anything that supports this claim?"I do.  There are many examples but the most famous is the price of BMWs dur... 
Measuring room acoustics
REW or Fuzzmaster (or is it Fuzzmeasure) if you have a macbook like I do.You'll also need a calibrated mic, like a Umik-1 
How would you get into the biz?
Eric, I see the real problem as the large number of other co.s with significant engineering talent and other resources already occupying the space.maybe local boutique type market? 
Non-transferable warranties?
Bryston is exceptional. 
How would you get into the biz?
I'm still not understanding your approach.  Do you mean you want to start a speaker business as the owner and hire others to design the speakers?If so, you should start with a large fortune, then move to China - near their best engineering school.... 
XLR interconnects
No, XLR cables may be able to benefit SQ somewhat even if all components are not fully balanced, differential, mirrored, etc.Whether it will truly make a difference in sound is something you'd have to test. 
Specific Pre-Amp advice
one more: Ayre 
XLR interconnects
Effort?  What effort?XLR is the default.  Just do it! 
How would you get into the biz?
Best way - get an engineering degree and take 2 years (classical wave theory) of physics major physics; then take some acoustics courses.  Be sure to add classes in biology and psychoacoustics while reading everything Floyd Toole ever wrote in you... 
XLR interconnects
no, they are for pro equipment and to ease snarls 
Help w/ preamp
I always try to use XLR cable runs - if short and not much elec. noise near them then RCAs will be fine.I like a good ARC tube pre with a SS amp...Marantz makes good products but an upgrade may make sense - listen before paying (buy from a place t...