
Responses from ptss

Diffusion or Absorption
Analyses the effect of the doors to your listening area using a mirror. They may have minuscule impact.  
Any one try the new Synergistic Research BLUE UEF Duplex receptacle?
$285.00 ?? What a Stupid price. Trolling for  Fuls?  Barnum & Bailey would be hysterical ! :) 
Preamplifier power supply
Of course, all those who have never experienced the control power gives can never ‘get’ it. However, once experienced never forgotten. The unfortunate aspect of these forums is that most contributors simply don’t have access, have never experience... 
Preamplifier power supply
Power supplies should be very robust. They should provide an unshakable foundation for absolute control of the signal to the amp, plus a high degree of resistance to perturbations created anywhere in the system, including from the amp(s).  No one ... 
“MQA is a philosophy”..John Stuart
@johnmuoio .. I ‘hear’ what your ears are telling you. However it seems you perhaps are unaware of the details in the mqa process. Simple old fashioned tone controls, that distorted the music in many ways, made a sound that many,using less than st... 
Any benefits to daisy-chaining power conditioners?
Are you doing any experimenting ? 
Any benefits to daisy-chaining power conditioners?
Yes. Their definitely can be significant benefits to daisy changing conditioners; just as using separate conditioners fo different components can be a significant benefits. Please list your components and how they are wired now. It will be interes... 
UPS for country cabin
Thanks :) 
DIY Power Cables Instead of Used
Contact Cardas for your wire and possibly advice.  
Seeking informed recommendations for power cables and interconnects
Best Recording of Scheherazade
Nice to hear the von Karajan is liked. I appreciate his effort as well, though,as noted,many other fine albums exist.  
Granite and digital..
Remember/realize that geoffkait likes to spoof and drive members of this forum crazy with some of his fanciful non sense. Most comment that he seems ready for the loony bin; if not already strait jacket material :) 
Granite and digital..
I find granite fine. The granite slab must be isolated from the rack. Combination of cones and elastomeric products. Use your fingers to feel if the granite is vibrating. No vibration - no problem. If your not satisfied with your fingers simply pu... 
Amp upgrade from Ayre V-5xe
A used Spectral amp might give you a thrill with nuance,dynamics and a sense of being closer to the performance. They’re bulletproof.  
Brand new to vinyl: Help!
Best thing is to invest in AC isolation/conditioning. An Equitech balanced power product will put your TT into an entirely different performance level. Address the basics.