
Discussions ptss has started

Oppo “1 more run of the 205” ?24324
“MQA is a philosophy”..John Stuart738972
Little Blue Light - Folly? Yes or no..16122
Power supply mod re oppo 20524330
MQA•Foolish New Algorithm? Vote!14521166
Cryo a power cord?342410
DVD by Oppo 205408713
Check out DVD “La Traviata” w Rolando Billa15390
Opera DVD’s enhancement ...14480
Oppo protection plan ??20039
HAP-Z1ES compared to OPPO 205D 33153
Upgrade of Spectral DMC 20 series 1 to Series 216370
Diamond versus Beryllium- manufacturers !11220
What causes a chirp?411817
The "most foolish" loudspeaker tweak/upgrade ... is892599