
Discussions ptss has started

MIT Cables new "Articulation Control Console" $45.000 for speaker cables?351911
Audio improvement for OPPO 205801822
Anything to compete with Sony UHP-H1 ?314010
Oppo 105 or 105D sound using Equitech or Furman or Shunyata?22734
Frequency response to 100k +/_ 1.5db?14069
Mogami wire quality?6047554
New Opera online service.18062
New Opera Website- Excellent.13001
Is OPPO losing it's way?1453430
The "Digital" listening experience322517
CA CXU versus Oppo 105D?16971
Internal Power Supply Technology Changes since 1999?20588
Best current footers for preamps?859050
Value of shielding the transformer in your s/s amplifier?14550
Internal power supply upgrade?15952