
Discussions ptss has started

Seeking experience with MIT MH750 Shotgun Terminator plus CVT35670
Interesting comments on noise regarding LIGO,15862
Saturday Afternoon at the Opera, often live, from The Metropolitan Opera13625
This is My Music on CBC FM, Saturday mornings13194
Interesting look at THD 225011
Interesting Magico news442722
3M's new Embedded Capacitance Material usefulness for "high End"?23272
Graphene spray and ...638452
Guide for understanding wire gauge and resistance19998
Your choice of the most "inert" cabinets ?275817
Rockport Technologies addresses cabinet vibration?492016
Oppo 105D versus Benchmark Dac 2 ?29042
Fiberglass/Carbon fiber to stiffen speaker sidewalls?18202
Materials to reduce sidewall flex & vibration ?262344
HD VINYL. New method for making vinyl records!18784