Responses from prof
Magico A3 vs. Wilson SabrinaX I auditioned the A3s (associated electronics were Lyngdorf integrated and very high end cables) in my search for a new pair of speakers. I found them to sound dark, closed in, lacking air and sense of space, with boomy bass. They lacked life and ... | |
Hyperacusis. Looking for recommendations tiggerfc I can emphathize with your plight. For decades I've suffered from occasional debilitating bouts of hyperacusis. That last time was only about 3 years ago when low flying jets at an air show straffed low over head (I wasn't attending th... | |
Joseph Audio Perspective2 vs Harbeth SHL5+ The JAs allow quite a wide spread, yet you still get good imaging. One time I put them almost entirely to the sides of my room and the soundstage was ridiculously massive, and still good imaging. Putting both speakers too close to the side wa... | |
Joseph Audio Perspective2 vs Harbeth SHL5+ I've mentioned that the Harbeth have a bit more natural "texture" vs the Joseph speakers (which are super smooth). I've found that my CJ tube amplification, especially my CJ preamp, gives a bit more body and cut-through-the-air texture to the ... | |
Joseph Audio Perspective2 vs Harbeth SHL5+ arafiq How happy where you with the soundstage DEPTH on the Harbeth? As I've said before, that was probably the biggest deficit when I had them. For some reason their soundstage was shallower than pretty much any speaker I've owned, things "pul... | |
Joseph Audio Perspective2 vs Harbeth SHL5+ ryder, I actually liked the bass of the Harbeth SHL5+ It's true it doesn't "slam" like you might get from some other speakers, and if someone demands more impact and engagement in the bass it may not be for them. But for me it's strength was ho... | |
Joseph Audio Perspective2 vs Harbeth SHL5+ @arafiq What a great review! Obviously it aligns almost exactly with my own observations. You hear what I have with the Perspectives: I found that for whatever reason, I'm always more aware of the reverb/acoustics with the Perspectives. ... | |
Joseph Audio Perspective2 vs Harbeth SHL5+ Dang, I hope @arafiq has had time to listen to his new system! :-) | |
Joseph Audio Perspective2 vs Harbeth SHL5+ bjesien I can't speak to the Verity Otello model, but I was fairly familiar with Verity speakers of the past, especially the Verity Audio Parsifal Ovation speakers, which a friend had for quite a while. My general take on the Verity sound up to ... | |
Joseph Audio Perspective2 vs Harbeth SHL5+ joc3021 As I remember Jeff Joseph showed the Perspective 2s in Munich in a large room and people were wowed by the sound. 16 x 30 is certainly very big so who knows? But close will you be sitting? That would matter too, obviously. ... | |
Joseph Audio Perspective2 vs Harbeth SHL5+ pdreher Yes, that's true "pound for pound." On the other hand, of one prefers the overall Harbeth sound to Joseph Audio, I can see liking the SuperHL5plus better than the Perspectives. For me, though, the Harbeth couldn't offer me the thrill... | |
Joseph Audio Perspective2 vs Harbeth SHL5+ Good stuff ewert. As much as many of us might imagine how great it might be to own some flagship speakers way out of our price range, one thing to note is that Joseph speakers have very often over the years been deemed "best sound of the show"... | |
Joseph Audio Perspective2 vs Harbeth SHL5+ Sounds good arafiq ! Two things I forgot to mention about when I owned the Harbeth SuperHL5plus: For some reason I could never get them to image with much depth. I’ve always valued soundstaging and imaging (though tone/timbre above that), my... | |
Joseph Audio Perspective2 vs Harbeth SHL5+ @arafiq How did you end up with those matching stands under the Perspectives? I'm looking forward to your impressions! | |
Ever Damage A Stylus Using Cleaning Brush? audphile1, Thanks! The cartridge is on nice, tight and secure, so I'm sure I'm not knocking it off angle when cleaning the needle. Also, since I set the overhang precisely with the Mint protractor, I highly doubt it's off. I'm also not sure... |