Responses from prof
Audio Science Review = Rebuttal and Further Thoughts @thyname People “making claims” is typically people sharing experiences. Yes, we are making truth claims all the time. It’s how humans work. But some are greater reaching than others. fleschler is putting forth all sorts of technical claims ... | |
Audio Science Review = Rebuttal and Further Thoughts fleschler You’d written about the Benchmark LA4 preamp: "There is a cure for the Benchmark. Replace the computer quality, cheap-ass regulators, power and filter caps, maybe parts of the audio board, the Op-amp, etc. with audio (much more c... | |
Audio Science Review = Rebuttal and Further Thoughts No problem thyname. It’s pretty ironic because nobody here has voiced more criticism - or written more pushback - of some aspects of ASR than I have - on the ASR forum! I’m continually pushing back against the idea that purely subjective impress... | |
Audio Science Review = Rebuttal and Further Thoughts thyname I'm not "teaming up" with anyone. I am scratching my head… why don’t you participate in forums with like minded people with the same beliefs and ideology like ASR? I do. I've been a member quite a while at ASR. However, I find the d... | |
Audio Science Review = Rebuttal and Further Thoughts I seem to remember people here crowing about how ASR shut their thread down, while Agon wasn’t doing that. How things change ;-) Anyway, fleschler, I’m sorry but I’m going to be blunt: It’s clear that your previous comments about the quality ... | |
Reynaud Bliss Jubile vs Cantabile Jubile You'll have to hope your brain "breaks in" to the sound ;-) Best of luck! (I've liked the various JMR speakers I've auditioned). | |
Contemplating DEVORE SPEAKERS (and others)....LONG audition report of many speakers I've always wondered how the Devore Super Nines would compare to my Joseph Audio Perspectives. They are almost the same size/design. | |
Contemplating DEVORE SPEAKERS (and others)....LONG audition report of many speakers Thanks 70seradylan. Seems like we hear things very similarly. | |
Contemplating DEVORE SPEAKERS (and others)....LONG audition report of many speakers fsonicsmith, Oh yeah, I never indicated I wanted to get anything else. I've done my search, as this thread attests :-) It's just a question of whether I upgrade the Josephs vs grab some o/Baby speakers. My mindset has been mostly upgrading ... | |
Thiel Owners Off to see Bill Thalmann? Cool. I was in touch with Bill about the possibility of upgrading my CJ amps. I ended up going another way but I still may send him mine someday for a V-Cap upgrade. | |
Contemplating DEVORE SPEAKERS (and others)....LONG audition report of many speakers I went on a gear-selling binge this last couple of years, the funds go in to my "audio equipment account" for future purchases. I'd sold my last available gear that I would part with, leaving me with some funds. They have been earmarked for s... | |
Contemplating DEVORE SPEAKERS (and others)....LONG audition report of many speakers @70seradylan I'm curious about what other speakers you've compared with the Devore O/baby. What stuck out about the Devores that you liked best? | |
Boenicke I wonder what about the design (choices) make the Boenicke speakers such a demanding speaker to power. ?? | |
Hyperacusis. Looking for recommendations I used to love going to movies. Unfortunately the combo of getting hyperacusis and the stratospheric sound levels that became common, mostly ruled that out. Especially for the big tent action flicks. I can put in heavy duty ear plugs which a... | |
Magico A3 vs. Wilson SabrinaX I auditioned the A3s (associated electronics were Lyngdorf integrated and very high end cables) in my search for a new pair of speakers. I found them to sound dark, closed in, lacking air and sense of space, with boomy bass. They lacked life and ... |