Responses from prof
New MOFI speaker (Andrew Jones) I actually had the vibe that the SP10s might be a speaker I’d like to own...along with ones I already own. In fact that was one motivation for listening to them, not out of dissatisfaction with my speakers (Thiel 2.7 and Joseph Audio Perspectives)... | |
New MOFI speaker (Andrew Jones) Happy to, nonoise. From my relatively brief audition in answer to the question "Are these the Giant Killers some hope them to be?" I'd say well...yes and no. No in the sense that I wasn't thinking 'wow, that's spectacular sound' like I have from... | |
Contemplating DEVORE SPEAKERS (and others)....LONG audition report of many speakers Since this thread tends to collect my various speaker impressions, I'm pasting in what I wrote about hearing the new Mo-Fi Source Point 10 speakers here as well: ------------------------- Source Point 10s: The SP10s were in a dedicated room,... | |
New MOFI speaker (Andrew Jones) Ok I'm just going to paste what I wrote in another forum, from my listening session with the Source Point 10s: ------------------------------------------ Source Point 10s: The SP10s were in a dedicated room, I'm guessing maybe 12' wide by ma... | |
Contemplating DEVORE SPEAKERS (and others)....LONG audition report of many speakers Wise words fsonicsmith! I actually wrote my impressions of the SP10s in another forum. My fingers are typed out. I'll get one here (or in the SP10 thread) soon. | |
Contemplating DEVORE SPEAKERS (and others)....LONG audition report of many speakers To finish off the above... Quite a while ago I'd bought a curved diffusor to play around with: I wanted to try diffusion for a sidewall reflection point rather than the absorbtion (heavy velvet) I'd been using. Turned out I didn... | |
New MOFI speaker (Andrew Jones) I listened to the Mo-Fi Source Point 10s today! :-) | |
NEW QUALIO AUDIO IQ SPEAKERS REVIEW : REVELATORY ?! 6 moons continues to be among the worst designed sites on the web. Would have read the review but the sheer chaos of their layout made my eyes and brain abandon. | |
Why Don't you hear more about Audio Physics Speakers?? I think the Audio Physic speakers these days, e.g. Avanti, Codex and others, are among the best looking speakers I've seen. It really helped that the got rid of the side firing woofers (now downfiring I believe), which made for a much smoother... | |
Why Don't you hear more about Audio Physics Speakers?? Audio Physic has been one of my favorite brands for many years. It started when I heard the Virgo (and eventually tried them in my home). They possessed a very hard to find combination: super detailed, utterly disappearing, spacious, "fast" soun... | |
Contemplating DEVORE SPEAKERS (and others)....LONG audition report of many speakers My Perspectives are now at Joseph Audio getting upgraded. While I’m waiting, I’ll just mention some stuff I’ve been fiddling with in my system. I have experimented with all sorts of isolation devices under my Thiel speakers. The Thiel’s sit on ... | |
New MOFI speaker (Andrew Jones) Yeesh. That video review was like "Bros Gone Wild." Pretty hard to get through and the sonic descriptions rather...lacking. There's actually a decent owner report in the comment section below the video, though, for someone who just received the... | |
Joseph Audio: Perspectives and Pearls Same for me: Banana plugs for my speaker cables, using the Cardas Banana-Spades adapter (given to my by my Joseph dealer). I change out my speakers often enough, and also even sometimes switch the connections to maintain polarity when I switc... | |
Joseph Audio: Perspectives and Pearls No prob. Hey, I'm always looking for plausible upgrades to my system. My Perspectives are currently at Joseph Audio being upgraded to the Graphene 2 version. I can't wait to get 'em back and give a listen. | |
Joseph Audio: Perspectives and Pearls @thr1961 If you are in to buying expensive cables I won’t be able to dissuade you. I won’t try. But as one of the few JA Perspective owners I’ll mention my own experience, as a data point you might consider: My Joseph Perspectives are in a ... |