
Responses from pmm

Want Multi-Disc CD Player Recommendations
 I was probably thinking I was going to have to go used anyway. There was a frequent member here, years ago, who could afford higher end components. She frequented the resale shops and bought her changers from them. I think she would buy higher... 
Want Multi-Disc CD Player Recommendations
A few Integra owners have had positive things to say, on this forum, in the last year  
Want Multi-Disc CD Player Recommendations
Rotel has been known to make good sounding CD players. As to their reliability- ?. Had a single disk player develop problems, after seven years. Had it repaired, and it developed the same problem a few years later.  
Want Multi-Disc CD Player Recommendations
The only one made now is the Integra. You can buy it at Crutchfield. That Rotel is probably 10 years old. Kinda risky buying a used CDP, especially, one that old.  
Can we create a consensus list of the TONALITY of different amps/preamps/brands?
that I would not have to personally audition 25 amps and 15 preamps to find the right ones. No need to overthink it or make this complicated. Just stay with the basics: buy your amp/preamp combo from same manufacturer (i.e. Vanalstine Audio, Ro... 
Goodbye Everyone
Hope it`s not for health reasons. You`ve been a good contribution here.      
First Watt J2 & speaker pairing ?
@rocray, No feathers ruffled here. You gave a more informative, helpfull answer. This didn`t surprise me, I expected such an answer after my prior post. I was just poking fun at myself.  
First Watt J2 & speaker pairing ?
I have two Fist Watt amps in two different systems...however sensitivity ranges from 84db to 93db Not a fan of low wattage amps Did I say, I am insecure?  
First Watt J2 & speaker pairing ?
Not a fan of low wattage amps, prefer an amp that can push both low and higher efficient speakers.  Consider Tannoys. Nelson Pass has had them paired with one of his amps.    
Worth fixing?
I`ve been there, and done that. Agree with prior post. Unless its over a couple of grand, brand new, not worth fixing. Look at current models from Rotel, Denon, Marantz, and Yamaha.  
I noticed brightness/harshness more than usual from my system a couple months back.
Before spending more money on a system you have been satisfied with, get your hearing checked. If it were me, I would make this a priority.  
Used vs. new
B&W : you may get better speakers for less. B&W`s are known to be bright. You may need to spend more on your electronics to tame that bright sound, and have some amp power to drive them. I own the 804N. Great bass. It puzzles me that oth... 
Best Preamp to Pair with Acurus A-250 and Vandersteen 3 Signature Speakers
If I were you, hold off on selling that Acurus amp. Team it up with a tubed preamp, that has a low output impedance.  
Do I Need a New DAC?
For a first time DAC, I recommend the Ayre Codex, Cord Quetest,  or Schiit Yggdrasil. Nothing less. With these, you`re getting into serious DAC territory.  
How much does a DAC do the more expensive it is?
Unless controlled listening tests are done all bets are off When you use your own ears to judge, the "controlled listening test" is done - All bets are on!