
Responses from pmm

Marantz SA-7s1 laser replacement/calibration??
Try this: May be far, but he does good work. Contact about your Marantz.  
B&W Nautilus 804's vs Cary 3 Silver Oak Speakers
Have you auditioned the Carys? That may indicate whether they would be either an upgrade or downgrade.  
What defines mid-fi versus high-end?
"If it is sold at the Best Buy, then it is probably mid fi" Correction: If it is sold at Best Buy, then it is probably low fi.  
Anyone can add RCA’s out to my Denon?
Try contacting Chris Johnson at Parts Connexion. He has a lot experience with circuit design and modifications.   
New Schiit Freya or used Conrad Johnson PV-10AL/BL, or?
@deltaa2333  This is an old dormant thread. To get more exposure to your question(s), it is best to start a new separate thread  
New Rotel Amp Vs Older Bryston, Krell, or McIntosh
Those amps you`re considering are pretty good. But, B&W`s are known to be bright. I believe those speakers would be better paired with a hybrid power amp.  
Sad to say I need a new amp…
@wb27  Watching this thread with interest. If I were you, I would do further research on who to use, for shipping: USPS, UPS, FedEx, DHL, etc.  Good Luck on your Mesa repair.  
SS Substitute for Tube Integrated?
Words of wisdom: "I always have an xtra set of tubes for all my equipment" SS for tube integ. Many good SS integ. out there. Consider this, you change to a SS integrated and you may not like its pairing with the speakers you have.  
Headphone amp?
@stringreen , "Do you people listen to your equipment or to music?" Both. Many headphone amps sound different from one another. Some warmer, others, leaner. Some are more detailed than others. Each preferred by an individuals` taste.  
New speaker cables
@gosta , +1 Cables? I`m staying away from the "rabbit hole".  
What CD spinning tonight?
Sorry, this thread has already  been started: "What’s in your CDP tonight? the minority report" and "Whats playing on your system today?"  
any thoughts?
Why no love for the newer Rotel players here? Consider the Rotel CD 14 MRK II. Its not a transport, but I had heard good things about it.  
I am looking to get more bass out of my system
"raising the cutoff frequency of the sub" - This may help. or  Get a larger Sub.  
How many systems do you have?
Four. -Two full range, two headphone.  
% breakdown of system costs
Did you search the discussions above? This has been covered many times, up until recently.  Sounds like your working from a budget, nothing wrong with that. Generally, 50% on speakers, the rest for electronics. You will get varying opinions on p...