
Responses from pmm

???What's The LEAST Expensive "End Game"Amplifier You've Ever Heard???
For me, it would be the Jolida JD 1501P ( @ $700-$800). Hybrid design, roll tubes to my liking. Great w/ solid state preamp. $4000, $8000? - must not be many amplifiers made.  
Acurus A150
If your music sounds bright, I'd team that amp with a tubed preamp.  
I suggest you go a different route, along with freediver`s suggestion. Replace your preamp with the Rogue RH-5 headphone/preamp. Go the headphone route. The Rogue does this, while maintaining the tube pre part, on your main system. I have found ... 
Blue Jean cable problem
Call Blue Jean cable. They should help.  
Leaving tube amps on.
Don Sachs had addressed this subject, some time ago. If I remember correctly, he had suggested that it is good to turn the tube gear off, when not listening.  
Is there anything other than a Benchmark DAC?
I think, with your budget, you can get a very good DAC, try the Musetec DA-005.  
Upgrades and repairs on hi fi components
Helps to know your location, or area. Nick Gowan at    
if you had this system, what would you do to make it sound the best you can
Decouple your speakers from the floor. Starting with least expensive, like sorbothane.  
 Is he reputable? - No. You would be better off reading what is shared on this forum. IMO, good reviews and advice can be obtained from such stalwarts as Steve Guttenberg and John Darko.  
Opinions on NAD please
Not too long ago, there were a good amount of NAD naysayers here. What happened? I`ll stand by what I stated, previously.  
where I can buy tubes to my ALLNIC PRE (3A/110A and 3A/109B)
Ask a Tube Dealer.  
Opinions on NAD please
I would not recommend NAD.  Spotty history on reliability. Try Parasound, or better yet, Anthem.  
Seeking Budget CD Player Suggestions
If looking for a demo unit, I`d suggest watching for the ads put forth by the on-line dealers here.  
JJ preamp tubes - repeated problems
Avoid the JJ`s. Look to a reputable Dealer.  
Luxman leaves me wanting
Look, the suggestions are all over the place.  Listen to the Loki men. You will thank them for it