
Responses from plato

Favorite Movie Soundtrack
I consider the following recordings the best of the best for movie soundtracks.The Royal Tennenbaums (The EVO of DEVO and other talented performers)Chicago; Great stuff!Gosford Park; Great music & recording; nice change of paceDead Man Walking... 
Sandbox for vibration ...........
What the turntable sits on is extremely important and can have profound effects on its sound. I guess the sandbox thing is okay, but folks I know have gotten the best results using materials such as blocks of maple, carbon fiber (BDR Source Shelf)... 
Well said, Snickelfritz! That was almost poetic. :) 
Theo, rotating the sub can have a profound effect since the enclosure is around 22" long. In fact, in my system, I had the sub facing the wall (at mid-wall) and I had a standing wave that just wouldn't be tamed. But I rotated the sub so that the w... 
Speakers like 'stats but for smaller rooms?
Blw, I recently found myself in a similar circumstance to yours. I moved my system from a very large room to a much smaller room that is only about 11 x 14, but has a vaulted ceiling and a large 2 x 8.5 closet that gives it some extra volume. I ha... 
As someone very knowledgeable once told me... "Bass is slow ... It is the high frequencies that provide the illusion of speed."There are many factors that can affect bass performance and before ditching the Paradigm you might try optimizing its pe... 
Deepest Bass in the Known Universe...
Actually they did try to computer-sumulate reversing the tone and there was some talk of an apparition of Adam Sandler (calling out for his father?) and then the experiment was mysteriously, and abruptly cancelled... 
Rediscovering the Joy of Digital?
Zaikesman, I am listening to reel-to-reel and I have a small collection of prerecorded tapes that I cherish. When I started listening to the tapes on a decent machine, I was shaking my head thinking about all the money I had spent on my TT gear. B... 
Difference between polarity and phase w/sub
The polarity switch inverts the polarity of the woofer 180 degrees, while a phase control might give you continuously variable phase change (my Paradigm allows change from 0 to 180 degrees). To do this simply, with both the satellites and sub play... 
Deepest Bass in the Known Universe...
So, if one cycle takes 10 million years -- maybe if we sample it at MP3 resolution we can get it down to around 10 days... 
Deepest Bass in the Known Universe...
1 cycle every 10 million years? Well, I haven't got time for that, I need the Readers Digest version.Clueless, I think you know more than your letting on, but next time I'll expect you to divide that out for me as my cheapo calculator doesn't have... 
Deepest Bass in the Known Universe...
So about how many HOURS would it take to belt out one cycle of that note??? 
Deepest Bass in the Known Universe...
For you scientists out there, how many "Hz" would that note correspond to? I mean you can't go below DC, right? So would that make it something like 0.0000000000673Hz (that's an example, not an actual calculation)???And what would the wavelength o... 
Rediscovering the Joy of Digital?
Hmmm, high-end MP3 -- I don't know Tom, in a car, it kind of makes sense because you can fit so many hours of music on just one MP3; and because of the noisy environment, quality isn't as big of an issue. But if they do come out with home "audioph... 
Rediscovering the Joy of Digital?
Yeah Russ, you're right, I do need the rituals for self-affirmation. Now you guys got me going on the suspension kick again, and today I swapped back to the rigid suspension. I tentatively have the Source shelf sitting on some AQ Sorbothane pucks ...