
Responses from plato

Isolation Questions
Stehno, just what are "appropriate points and racking systems," in your experience?My experience tells me that those variables would vary for every different component available due to the fact that the resonant nodes would vary from component to ... 
Is pure class A ss the equal to tubes?
Hey, I was into tubes for years (for about 10 years I wouldn't consider anything else) and still like them. They are most beguiling to the innocent. I just got tired of the microphonic problems, the constant tube rolling and tube replacement, and ... 
Auditioned Infinity MTS. Disappointed. Questions..
Just a couple of points Drcio: First, there is likely a "voicing" difference between the audiophile-quality Audio Research tube gear you use and the middle-of-the-road ss electronics that were used to demonstrate the Infinitys.Secondly, bass is ve... 
Isolation Questions
Brimac, you raise some good questions and unfortunately no one can give you a real definitive answer except to say you need to try a lot of different combinations and go with what sounds best to your ears.I have gotten some very good results using... 
Is pure class A ss the equal to tubes?
Although I have made a case for the class A, solid-state amps (earlier in thread), my personal preference is for hybrid amps with a tube input stage and solid-state outputs. My feeling is that this setup provides the best compromise between liquid... 
Auditioned Infinity MTS. Disappointed. Questions..
I am somewhat in agreement with Kchahoc's sentiments, although I think his comments are somewhat harsh.It is possible for even the best equipment in the world to sound lackluster if connected to substandard associated gear in a questionable acoust... 
Is pure class A ss the equal to tubes?
No, a pure class A ss amp is better than tubes (generally speaking). It will have deeper, tighter bass and more extended treble. And these differences are more apparent at low volume levels because of the way the human hearing mechanism works... S... 
Help me for connection
Abe is wrong; you can connect them in series and then you will have a 10-ohm load per side. It will be safer for the amplifier, but will not play as loud. In the series connection you would connect the positive amp terminal to a positive speaker t... 
Use of Digital Amps: Need serious help
No, the signal is not digital when it reaches the speakers unless the speakers have built-in D/A converters to convert the signal back to a useable analog form. There may be a few speakers like that on the market (maybe Snell, Meridian, etc.) but ... 
Rediscovering the Joy of Digital?
Yes Zaikesman, your points are well taken. But if and when there is a consumer level digital format that truly is better than analog mastertapes there are two likely scenarios that could follow. One is that the music business people will insist on... 
Deepest Bass in the Known Universe...
Slipknot1, if you read the article, you'd see that the sound waves were rippling through gas, and gas should support sound -- I know it does in my room. :) 
Do Plugged Virgos sound better?
Elgordo, it is true that once plugged, they are no longer "Virgos" but I kind of dig their new sexy "navels".Jfrech, I've seen Audio Physic's recommended positioning rules but in my room they are not that practical as I will have to move the speak... 
Do Plugged Virgos sound better?
I've tried some of the old-style, round Room Tunes, but not actual bass traps. But I may try bass traps in the near future if my latest efforts fall short of my expectations... 
Do Plugged Virgos sound better?
Hi Snickelfritz; what you said makes sense because if I run the Virgos without the sub the midbass hump is not nearly as prominent (presently I'm running the Virgos full-range). With the sub, no matter how low I cross it, it seems to increase the ... 
speaker placement help
Forget what anyone says, and locate your seat where the music sounds the best to you. Remember there are exceptions to every rule...