
Responses from plato

severe limiting factor
Sometimes when short-wall placement fails to achieve good results, positioning the speakers along the long wall may work better... I don't know if that would be possible in your room, but if it is, it could be worth a try. You'd be listening fairl... 
B&W 804 with ???
I would suggest a nice hybrid amp -- one with a tube input stage and a powerful (at least 100 Wpc) MOSFET output stage. With a little luck and maybe a little tube rolling, you should be able to tailor the sound to your taste. Counterpoint, Jolida,... 
Amp Recommendations for Acoustat 1+1s
I would think the 1+1's would need quite a bit of power to play loud in a large room. Your Adcom seems up to the task, and frankly, under $1000, you may not do a lot better... Maybe adding a good subwoofer system would be something to consider... ... 
Blown Speaker in AR Sub
Are you sure the sub is blown and not the amp? Try replacing the AC fuse in the sub's amplifier first. If that doesn't work I wouldn't put anymore than $50, or thereabouts, into a repair effort. But if the AR can be repaired inexpensively it's a p... 
I cannot switch off a Jadis Defy 7. Help
It sounds like your power switch has shorted. You'll probably need to get the switch replaced. Until you do, you can always pull the plug after listening... 
Are Beveridge Speakers worth purchasing
The question is: "Who are you going to get to service the high-voltage, direct-drive tube amps?" I don't know if they made a model with interfaces for use with conventional amplifiers, or not... This is what I'd like to know if I were considering ... 
Virgo II's without AP's placement recommendations?
I have mine situated so the back of the speakers are about 20" from the front wall and that works reasonably well in my narrowish 12x16 foot room. However the bass is not as linear as it would/could be if I could place them as per AP's recommendat... 
The Klipschorn
Rhum_runner, you can get into the Klipsch sound with a pair of Chorus or Cornwalls for $500 to $800 on the used market. Add another $500 to $800 for a nice, used push-pull tube amp to drive them and you have the start of a great budget system. Jus... 
The Klipschorn
I've got a pair of Klipsch Chorus and I really love them. They may be a step (or half-step) down from the Klipschorns, but they beat many other speakers I've used (and I've used plenty!) including large, full range electrostatics and Magnepans. My... 
Loss of digital
You might also try a different digital coax cable, or an optical cable and see if that holds the lock... 
Is anyone using Signal Cable interconnects/cables?
I have tried the SignalCables extensively and have compared them to much more expensive cables. I find them every bit as good and in some ways better than the more expensive brands.What a few of the above folks fail to realize is that there is a g... 
SET Tube Question
Mwilson makes some good points about the benefits of running higher power even with high efficiency speakers. In fact, as much as I like the Sophia Baby amp I mentioned above, I feel I need more power at times. The sound becomes a little strained ... 
SET Tube Question
Another very appropriate option would be the Sophia Electric Baby amplifier, which uses 2 6P1T triode tubes per channnel in a push-pull configuration yielding 10 watts per channel. I use one with my Klipsch Chorus with very good results. It is ver... 
Thiel speakers... one more try
Jmabe, I've heard very good things about that particular Thiel model so I'd probably buy the 2.2s. If you liked them in the showroom you'll probably like them more at home.They're a good brand and model and will always have resale value. And chanc... 
Thiel speakers... one more try
What I would do is either buy the new PSB or a stock pair of Thiel 2.2s for a much lower price. Then, if you felt the stock Thiels were lacking, you could always have the crossovers upgraded with premium-quality parts and I doubt that it would cos...