

Responses from phusis

Is my preamp useless?
I feel folks who come here for sincere audio discussions should post their system so that the other party can understand why the poster is so exited about his/her system.Good call, Milpai. 
Best Preamp = No Preamp?
Thanks, Swampwalker :) 
Best Preamp = No Preamp?
Swampwalker --It seems you take things a bit out of context here, and misunderstand what I mean. My "gripe" in a sense with poster Grannyring was that I found he tended to label the DAC-direct defenders to adhere to a "non-real" sound: To some it ... 
Best Preamp = No Preamp?
Direct sounds thinner with less body, weight and texture. This had been my experience with trying the LSA Attenuator three times, Placette, several DAC's direct, and several CD players direct. To some it sounds cleaner or more resolving, but I fee... 
Importance of Amplifier versus Preamp?
I believe much of the "importance" of the preamp ideally would be seeking its negation as a separate component. I'd try out a fully integrated solution like the Devialet 120, or carefully seeking the match a power amp with a combined DAC/preamp. E... 
Describe ube sound vs solid state
Bo1972 --I prefer Pass labs over all other solid state. [...]To each his own, and many factors could have influenced my sonic impressions where Pass Labs gear was involved, but on several occasions with these amps, with varying other equipment, I'... 
What is the best HEAVY METAL speaker?
To my ears and body nothing handles the heavy metal genre (as others) like pro drivers, i.e. through compression drivers via horns or waveguides and larger diameter bass/midrange units, preferably in addition with a sub (also with larger diameter,... 
"Against design"
A new blog from Mr. Weiss titled "Stereo as furniture:"Today even manufacturers of $100,000 speakers, which tend to be large, go to great lengths to make the front baffle of their speakers as narrow as possible- the result is tall, skinny and deep... 
What is the best USED Speaker Under $10,000
A pair of well-kept JBL K2 S9800SE's at or slightly above $10,000 would be if not a steal then a "competitively priced" and very capable alternative to most anything out there - depending of course on ones personal taste. To my mind the S9800SE's ... 
Is computer audio a bust?
Agear -- Yet another BADA advert....:)That's a matter to be taken up with the OP's author alone - it's certainly not my agenda. And even if it is a "BADA advert" it's of no consequence to what the comparison is trying to tell in general terms (mor... 
Is computer audio a bust?
"State-of-the-art CD transports vs USB/SPDIF converter shootout:"http://www.computeraudiophile.com/f6-dac-digital-analog-conversion/state-art-cd-transports-vs-universal-serial-bus-industry-standard-cables-connectors-and-communications-protocols-be... 
Is computer audio a bust?
On the contrary, I know quite a few philes who would argue with you after having done both. I have heard computer fronted systems sound like crap even with whizbang dacs and big money ancillary pieces.There could be many reasons why setups with "w... 
Is computer audio a bust?
It seems this discussion veers into the overly academic. To my mind computer audio is certainly not a bust, on the contrary it's here to stay and to my ears trumps CD-playback (where same CD is ripped to harrdrive) in a pretty obvious fashion. Not... 
Audiophilleo vs Empirical audio offramp
Bhobba --The Off-Ramp is clearly and obviously better. The only issue was the price difference - is it worth the extra dosh? For me - yes - but others had a different view on the price vs performance equation.I use the Audiophilleo2 + PurePower my... 
First foray into Class A amp -- recommendations
Melbguy --Mtrot, I wouldn't get too hung up on Class A biasing to be honest, it is mostly marketing bs. If the "marketing bs" regards how marketing itself misuses the term 'Class-A amplification' in its pure form (i.e.: disguised as high bias Clas...