

Responses from phusis

Is computer audio a bust?
Joecasey --If I completely misread you reply, I'm sorry. Just forget my first one to you if I did.. 
Is computer audio a bust?
Joecasey --It's a personal decision to live life half full or half empty. If half empty, you are missing out on lots of good stuff. There will always be failures with the simplest task.What exactly are you implying here, and how does that relate t... 
Is computer audio a bust?
Charles1dad -- ... I certainly get your point and I don't believe computers are bad or wrong. I just find in its current state of development they aren't worth the trouble or hassle for me. Grannyring's post above summarized it so well. We do agre... 
First foray into Class A amp -- recommendations
The Belles SA-30 - from what I can tell a little-known poweramp, but going by its sound quality a regular thoroughbred the should play second fiddle to none, and therefore deserves much more recognition. The specified 30 watts belies its actual ca... 
Speakers that turn your analytical mind off?
WLM Diva:http://www.wlm-loudspeakers.com/indexengl.html(6moons' review of the Diva Monitor; essential the same speaker, just standmounted):http://www.6moons.com/audioreviews/wlm/divamonitor.html(excerpt)As our own Jeff Day reminds us, there's a mu... 
Size of Midrange Drivers
Bombaywalla --I have a fair bit of world-wide listening experience & have listened to a lot of speakers (& a lot of electronics) yet to but yet to have a positive experience of a 12" midrange playing midrange. If you look at my systems I d... 
Size of Midrange Drivers
Johnnyb53 --...Finally, the name of the game isn't just radiating area; it's air displacement. A 4.5" driver has a radiating surface of 15 sq. inches. My Mag 1.7s have a radiating surface of 456 sq. inches. Yet, a premium 4.5" midrange might have ... 
Size of Midrange Drivers
Bombaywalla -- To reiterate from an earlier response of yours (to the OP):The Tannoy Kingdom Royal has NO MIDRANGE driver contrary to what you seemed to allude to.Their new HF compression driver tweeter is doing all the midrange. Like you seemed t... 
Size of Midrange Drivers
Bombaywalla --What's to learn, exactly - that 12" units can't do midrange? To clarify: 700Hz er certainly part of the midrange (indeed the lower part of the central mids), and voices typically contain a lot of energy even lower in the frequency sp... 
Size of Midrange Drivers
Some of the more important reasons why we rarely see midrange drivers above, or even approach 7-8" in the typical regime of "hifi" speakers seem dictated by the use of direct radiating dome tweeters and their lack of <2kHz handling, as well as ... 
Is computer audio a bust?
In recent months, I have had several audio acquaintances return to CDPs claiming improved SQ versus their highly optimized computer transports (SS drives, external power supplies, etc, etc).Agear --My findings are the complete opposite, and can su... 
How to power down a Nuforce DAC-9 by remote?
Utrxdlr --I have the NuForce DAC-9 myself, and it's been running 24/7 for about 3 years now. Possibly being a bit blunt about this, but still: except any worries one might have about power consumption, a specified meager 9 watts - at most, what is... 
Why did you choose a horn based loudspeaker?
Johnk --Thank you for initiating this thread. In response to some of the comments above: horn and waveguide-based speakers span many varieties and combinations, just like direct radiating speakers, perhaps even more so; it would seem rather ignora... 
The End Of Big Iron?
I had a Class D amp. I didn't care for it and it ran out of gas early and overheated. To be fair, it was a mass produced Onkyo, and it's probably not the ultimate in Class D design. Right now, I have an A/B amp; the sound is good, but not phenomen... 
Wanting to simplify my system ......
Chris_launder --If "tube magic" is what you're somehow after, without wanting to go with tubes, I'm not so sure bi-polar driven amps is the best solution - generally speaking. I'd probably keep the sonic signature as a main priority, and then cons...