

Responses from phusis

Raidho speaker owners, what solid state amplifier do you use?
Lars Kristensen has spoken warmly of the Naim Nait being a lovely match with the Raidho's.  
Proac One SC - Do thet perform well at low volume?
Something else to think about...Doesn't the amp play a role in low volume performance ?Something like PP amps usually sound better turned up just a bit where as SET amps do best when barely turned up (that 1st watt thing for SET's) .Anybody ?Agree... 
Proac One SC - Do thet perform well at low volume?
Usually when speakers are on the lifeless side at lower volumes I tend to find them dull sounding even at higher volumes, and so typically it’s a give-away. The ability to "ignite" sonically at lower volumes (in retrieving detail resolution) is on... 
Do supertweeters matter when we cant hear past 15,000 hz?
I’d wager any audibly perceived difference for the better with the addition of a "super tweeter" has little to none to do with frequencies extending 17-20kHz, but rather that the tweeter in question is better at handling the frequencies that are a... 
klipschorns, they kick ass for sure
..and having heard the 15" that goes into khorns,what is it another by product from Electro voice...come on now..missioncoonery -- Don’t go throw out the baby with the bath water. Please elaborate on your "having heard the 15 inch" in question - I... 
If money was and was not of any concern when buying speakers.
Money no concern: I’d probably second the choice of Living Voice’s Vox Olympian & Elysian, given the listening room can accommodate them properly - which hopefully wouldn’t be an issue with monetary carte blanche. Battery-driven amps and sourc... 
klipschorns, they kick ass for sure
Klipsch could be a whole lot better, a whole lot. To say that they are ’crisp’ is an understatement. Klipsch uses very mediocre drivers. Crisp is a good way to describe that tweeter.....Lol. I wonder if anyone who likes Klipsch has ever heard a gr... 
klipschorns, they kick ass for sure
phusis, you read way too much into my comments. I realize that K-horns have characteristics beyond volume and that many people love them. But that's the point - K-horns (and horns in general) have a set of unique qualities and they are a good ma... 
klipschorns, they kick ass for sure
I consider myself a neutral observer in this matter. One of my best friends has K-horns, though I don't. It's been a long time since I needed their capacity for "loud", my house isn't a good fit for them, and, mainly, I happen to prefer other trai... 
klipschorns, they kick ass for sure
A high light of the days when I attended the national Acoustical Society meetings was a debate between Edgar Villchur (sp?) and Paul Klipsch during which Klipsch said "I don't care if you push it with a broom handle, you still have to move the air... 
solid state gear- leave on?
I never leave my Belles SA-30 Class-A poweramp left on 24/7. Non-weekends I turn it on late afternoon or early evenings, and often leave it running till bedtime (sometimes late; I'm a night owl, for as long as it allows). Weekends it can run for e... 
Speakers that are very accurate sounding but don't produce an emotional connection.
[...] the time-coherent speaker sacrifices the least & is very close to doing it all. Every genre of music plays superbly on it & the better one’s electronics get, the better the speakers sound. Music enjoyment for the long-haul.... bombay... 
Klipsch love them or hate them.
Klipsch makes great speakers. Very dynamic, very accurate, something that audiophile speaker lacks severely.Never heard the original "heritage" series (K-horns, Belle, La Scala, etc.), but based on my own speakers which are build around the design... 
DAC vs. Preamp
[...] I'm getting the opinion that almost no one thinks going without a preamp is a good idea. I thought that would be the case.I beg to differ. Check out Srajan Ebaen's review of the SOtM sDP-1000 DAC/preamp with volume attenuation in the analogu... 
Klipsch love them or hate them.
Horns provide a very forward, immediate sound, with lots of presence. Too much presence, having a severe "cupped-hands around a mouth"/"pinched nose" coloration that quickly becomes irksome. The worst speakers, by far, I've ever heard for vocals. ...