

Responses from phusis

Loudspeakers have we really made that much progress since the 1930s?
Well, space travel is irrelevant, but since it was brought up…Perhaps you didn't notice me referring to it as an analogy.. 
Loudspeakers have we really made that much progress since the 1930s?
tomcy6 --I think that we could send people to the moon more safely and comfortably and be able to gather much more useful data now than we could in the 60s.Whether we could is not the issue. The point is we still haven't, and that they got to the ... 
Loudspeakers have we really made that much progress since the 1930s?
Technology has advanced to such an extent that the '30's can realistically be seen as the cave man days, in many respects. Certainly with computer testing and engineering, what can be purchased today for say a week's wages versus the 1930's would... 
JBL Everest DD67000 vs. Avantgarde Duo Mezzo
tmare --Sorry if I rambled on a bit in above reply to you. I was trying to come about how the sonic "paradigm" or overall preference of review magazines/sites (especially Stereophile) seems not to favor the sound represented by speakers such as th... 
JBL Everest DD67000 vs. Avantgarde Duo Mezzo
[...]About a year ago, I went to an audio show with my slightly more educated ears, and tried to listen to carefully each speakers at the show. The best sounding speakers to me was JBL (I think it was DD67000) and ATC. They seem to be much better ... 
Loudspeakers have we really made that much progress since the 1930s?
I think Atmasphere has pretty much nailed it down and ended the discussion...NEXT! missioncoonery --Poster atmasphere didn’t entirely nail nor end anything (though I very much appreciate his contributions). Carry on elsewhere at your own pleasure.  
Loudspeakers have we really made that much progress since the 1930s?
(johnk)"Mapman whats missing- realistic sound quality, the ability to allow listener to feel the emotion of the music. The ability to easily hear the mix ie pick out the individual instruments and vocals along with the added studio work. Realisti... 
Loudspeakers have we really made that much progress since the 1930s?
Innovation in any field addresses the changing needs or wants of the times.I like quality old stuff as much as the next guy but there are good reasons why things are the way they are. Lack of innovation is not one of them.Any "good reasons" may no... 
Loudspeakers have we really made that much progress since the 1930s?
My personal experience with the evolution of loudspeakers don’t extend for longer than back to the late 70’s, and though this mayn’t warrant calling these earlier encounters vintage speakers per se, there’s definitely been a tendency of speakers b... 
How long do high quality speakers "last"
If one treasures cabinetry this is also an area to be aware of, as veneers, if not properly glued/pressed, can detach from the particle board (or the more rarely used plywood) over the gears, as can joints, and solid wood, if not properly dried, c... 
What makes an expensive speaker expensive
The "exotic" cone materials mentioned break up as well, perhaps not as prominently in their used audio band, but beyond that could be another story, and one that requires its measures. Certainly what matters here is the nature of their break ups. ... 
What makes an expensive speaker expensive
Paper cones are often treated, or even composites, and from this a variety of diaphragms emerges that may all be called "paper cones," but that does not follow the typical shortcomings of paper cones equally. Even if they did, what is truly gained... 
What makes an expensive speaker expensive
analogluvr --[...] Paper is a great cone material and most of the speakers using paper cones always seem to sound more natural to my ears. And just because it is paper doesn't mean it's not high tech. People who have a Coral 10 that needs a recon... 
Are audiophiles still out of their minds?
faster61woman3 posts06-05-2016 8:04pmI'm wondering, why all of the hoopla over expensive wire/fuses? Why don't we fuss over acoustic treatments more?I'm far more in agreement with you on this than not, relative to some aspects. Room acoustics is a... 
Are audiophiles still out of their minds?
The power of numbers and an all-too-obvious human nature that is preferably obscured; clothing stores aimed at younger women (and I'm sure age, gender nor type of product is hardly the deciding factor here) have seen significant rise in sales just...