

Responses from phusis

You Cant Buy It but you Can Build It
Interesting (and to me rather familiar) rundown on your audio setup, mahlman. All-horn, -active, DIY, inclusion of pro audio products, letting size have its say, PC-based source - hear you loud and clear. One senses the vitriol from some of the co... 
Suggestions for high efficiency speakers?
@atmasphere -- "If you're crossing higher than about 80-100 Hz, won't you have to place the subs very near the rest of the speaker system?" Yes indeed, no way around that. You can see it in my system's picture where the two tapped horns are flan... 
Suggestions for high efficiency speakers?
@atmasphere -- "Its just physics, physiology and its not my theory- its that of Dr. Earl Geddes IIRC." I'm aware of that. By "your theory" I simply implied that you presented it. "I'm not certain of what you are trying to say in parenthesis." ... 
Suggestions for high efficiency speakers?
@atmasphere -- "You can look at this as theory or fact; works the same regardless ..." That's dangerously arrogant. You're not acknowledging the alternative, which is conspicuous in itself, and I doubt you've had a pair of symmetrically-to-the-m... 
Suggestions for high efficiency speakers?
@atmasphere -- It sounds to me as if you are not familiar with the Swarm sub made by Audiokinesis. ... Oh, I am, I simply made an attempt into outlining the possibilities of the horn sub route, and that it needn’t break the bank. A DBA setup ... 
Suggestions for high efficiency speakers?
@atmasphere --   The Classic Audio Loudspeakers Hartsfield is a speaker that has the efficiency to work with SET power since its about 105dB/1 watt. That would be a great option indeed. What's the price of these? But you might consider an a... 
Describe the sound of point source loudspeakers?
Have you moved away from full range to standmount speakers + subs?
@audition__audio --Will get back with a reply tomorrow.  
Have you moved away from full range to standmount speakers + subs?
@audition__audio -- Speakers are not limited by cabinet size! If you give the proper amount of enclosure for a driver, an increase in cabinet size is always a negative. Unless of course you want to listen to the baffle and cabinet specific distor... 
Do you use a Subwoofer when listening to stereo?
(by poster @mijostyn)... It has to sound like I am listening to one speaker. As I evaluate lower down I go from listening to feeling. Do I feel that kick drum the way I do at the club. Are those low synthesizer notes shaking me the way they shoul... 
Have you moved away from full range to standmount speakers + subs?
@jjss49 --Good insights. It seems to me though you're leaving out one scenario, namely that pairing the larger full-range speaker (in your case the Spendor SP100 R2's) with a pair of subs. Have you tried out that combination with the REL's of your... 
New Klipsch Jubilee, with active crossover.
As a design the Jubilee’s are much more interesting to me compared to the DD67000 Everest’s. Basic physics, really; the Jub’s are (more appropriately) taller, their midrange/HF horn is somewhat bigger to actually support directivity control lower ... 
Have you moved away from full range to standmount speakers + subs?
@douglas_schroeder --... Better big tower speakers make nearly all bookshelf/monitor speakers sound wanting, especially if they do not have a subwoofer(s) associated. One of the most telling characteristics of larger speakers is their ability to ... 
@pedroeb --People always choose only the most popular brand of subs which are not really the bestI'm wondering why they are not really the best, Is it due to one of these; better price, better advertising, better distribution, or simply a better p... 
Please critique my planned system, JTR Noesis 212RT + Deep Sea Sound Mariana 24”
@sheikyabouti -- ... Right now I need the one system to do both HT duties and music (bass heavy dubstep with plenty of 20-40hz content) but in a year or two I’ll be able to have a dedicated theatre room so this is my plan:Order a pair of JTR Noesi...