

Responses from phusis

Speaker relative efficiency/sensitivity when using a high pass filter
@erik_squires -- "Truthfully, 100W is overkill for most speakers and your average or modest listening room."  100W (depending on their specific iteration as an amp) may be deemed sufficient to quite a few, but as a blanket statement and going so... 
Montreal Audio Show - anyone hear the FR30’s?
"It's audio speakers, not rocket science.  There are almost never massive technology leaps.  It isn't a fast moving technology space, to say the least.  Pretty unrealistic expectation if that is what your bar is." Well said, @kren0006   
Speakers: Anything really new under the sun?
Thank you, @mahgister.   
Speakers: Anything really new under the sun?
There's a distinction between an older design and an older speaker per se. The prevalent issue it seems is how an older design compares to a newer ditto in very basic terms (and not whether age has had a deteriorating affect on SQ), and what strik... 
Intriguing inquiry, are floor-stand speakers always better than active speakers?
@ghdprentice -- "Yes, as in all things there are advantages and disadvantages in different system designs. It is great to discuss different approaches to system design. Most audiophiles are very cautious when trying a new paradigm. I have never h... 
Intriguing inquiry, are floor-stand speakers always better than active speakers?
@ghdprentice -- "There is an economic aspect of active speakers that has a big impact on the market. In general, creating the best system possible at say $25K, $50K, or $200K… typically speakers would be the most expensive investment. You start a... 
Intriguing inquiry, are floor-stand speakers always better than active speakers?
@preston8452 -- "Intriguing inquiry, are floor-stand speakers always better than active speakers?" To begin with above formulated question doesn’t really make sense, that is; an active speaker is defined by an electronic cross-over/DSP functioni... 
What is Tight Bass?
@mijostyn -- ".. good for you. It sounds like you are working on a great system. There are no passive crossovers in my system either, wouldn't do it any other way. The best crossover is no crossover, passive at least. In my system there is only o... 
Please Recommend Highly Efficient Floor Standing Non-Horn Speaker Suggestions
Strictly speaking “highly efficient” means more than 100dB sensitivity, and there’s no way around that sans horns - indeed we’d be in all-horn territory here. If the 90-95dB sensitivity range will suffice - that is, it seems it must - that are som... 
What is Tight Bass?
Standing in closer proximity to an upright bass playing spells everything most any hifi speaker can’t reproduce. At one point I walked around an upright bass on a theater stage during a rehearsal, and in conjunction what I’ve heard at quite a few ... 
To Buy or to DIY, here is my question
@johnk -- "If you have no skills are lazy or have no time then off the shelf is what you get. If you have skills an open mind and are craving something unique then DIY is the way to go. Kits are fine but it's not like going your own way. And thos... 
SVS PB16 Ultra vs JL Fathom 113 vs ???
@fiesta75 -- To further my point above: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=167Ep50fHRk  
SVS PB16 Ultra vs JL Fathom 113 vs ???
@fiesta75 -- "Just a question; Isn’t SPL (output) related to air movement? With a minimum of 3 inches of cone travel and very large surface area, they move a lot of air. Am I missing something?🙃" That kind of cone travel isn’t desirable if disto... 
SVS PB16 Ultra vs JL Fathom 113 vs ???
@gregfaunce -- "The SVS PB16 Ultra and Fathom F113 (both of which I owned) don’t deliver much slam at all. If you are wanting to feel some slam on bass heavy music you will have to most likely up your budget. Remember one mans insanity is another... 
SVS PB16 Ultra vs JL Fathom 113 vs ???
I'd go with the Power Sound Audio TV2112, and make it two of them. As a pair that's exceeding your budget of $3k, but otherwise I'd choose a pair of the smaller EV1812 model, and if that's still too expensive a pair of TV1512. If you insist on a s...