

Responses from phusis

Why I'm not adding a sub to my 2-way monitors for music
Some of us may be spoiled, lucky or otherwise gifted (through long, tedious hours of experimentation) with a subwoofer pairing that has ended up very successful. Going on to make more general statements as to their making wonders in other constell... 
Triangle Competitors?
Cornwall IV's have been mentioned - they may fit the bill. There's also the active, lesser known Geithain RL901K speakers: https://www.me-geithain.de/en/rl-901k2.html  
A friend told me JBL DD67000 is actually very bad speaker, is it true?
@simonmoon -- "According to him, those Tidal, Kharma, YG, Magico, Vivid G1, Grande Focal and German Physik are truely good speakers, JBL ain’t no good...and his reasons: JBL is boxy, horny coloration as hell, zero imaging. is this true? It all ... 
Where should the vocal image be?
  "Where should the vocal image be?   1. On the same plane as the speakers. 2. About mid way between the listener and the speakers plane. 3. Right up to the listener." Whatever the musical material dictates. To me the in audiophilia often to... 
Subwoofer for music, how low?
@martin-andersen -- "... I have been looking at the REL T/9x but the only go down to 27Hz at -3db. Should a sub not go down to 20Hz? I live in Denmark so I have fewer options. I really like the swarm sub array but to costly to get it to Denmar... 
Not manufactured any more.
Short list of musical subwoofers
@lanx0003 -- "It is interesting that you disapprove the high level connection. May I know your reason why." Can’t speak for poster @mijostyn, but maybe it’s at least partially due to the simple fact that using the high level output from the main... 
Dust on speaker cones.
Went to a local paint shop and asked for the softest 1" wide paint brush they had. Works fine. A smaller marten hair brush might be the best choice for dome tweeters.   
You Cant Buy It but you Can Build It
@mijostyn -- "... sorry lad, it would appear your experience is lacking. I have heard and built Horn subwoofers. Mahlmans’s sense of vibration is not good. I hope he is not diabetic. The other answer would be that his horns do not go very low whi... 
"Slam"--what is it, is it really accurate?
Duke put it excellently into words: ”… It is a function of transient dynamics and raw SPL. If there's not much dynamic contrast, it doesn't come across as "slam". If there's good dynamic contrast but the sound pressure level is still soft, it doe... 
You Cant Buy It but you Can Build It
@mijostyn -- "... put on anything with a little low bass in it and turn it up to your usual listening level. Put your hand on the bass horn say just inside the mouth. Feel that vibration? Any vibration you feel is audible distortion. Getting any ... 
You Cant Buy It but you Can Build It
@mijostyn -- "... I did not say there were not other ways. They are generally a lot more expensive, not any better sounding and have limited functionality vs a full fledged computer. My system doubles as a theater. I can also stream videos and mo... 
Rel Does Not Recomment Isolation Stands
From my own experience REL is in the right here.   
You Cant Buy It but you Can Build It
@mahlman -- "If pure sound quality was the metric they use I can only think they have not heard such a system. I suspect however that there is a lot of snobery involved and it is just "not possible" that serious hobbiests can build better than th... 
You Cant Buy It but you Can Build It
Interesting (and to me rather familiar) rundown on your audio setup, mahlman. All-horn, -active, DIY, inclusion of pro audio products, letting size have its say, PC-based source - hear you loud and clear. One senses the vitriol from some of the co...