

Responses from phusis

SVS SB16 Ultra Sub good for Hifi?
@tommypenngotti -- Hello guys - curious if anyone is using the SVS SB16 Ultra dual subs for hifi or is this more of a home theater kinda speaker? I'm looking for tight punchy bass in the "80-120 area....not boomy house shaking bottom...   Been ... 
Has anyone heard the newest version of the Klispschhorm?
@johnk -- "The Jubilee uses DSP since the Celestion Axi2050 doesn't have much upper range unless EQed and processed. I use the same driver as Jubilee in a better non-CD horn design and with a proper tweeter set up so I need no DSP and can just le... 
Has anyone heard the newest version of the Klispschhorm?
@mglik -- "... I guess the Khorns now have a different and better tweeter." The newest AK6 version I heard a few months back sported a somewhat problematic upper end, as I wrote earlier. A quality tube amp pairing might be preferable, as some he... 
Has anyone heard the newest version of the Klispschhorm?
@johnk -- Great looking horn setup there. 4-way with bass horns in the background?  
Has anyone heard the newest version of the Klispschhorm?
I’ve heard the Khorn AK6’s. Overall I find they’re sonically rewarding and engaging speakers that only all-horns can really sound like. They’re quite a few horn hybrid speakers out there with midrange and tweeter horns/waveguides in conjunction wi... 
Ps audio aspen FR 30 Loudspeakers
@charles1dad -- "In general I accept the premise that better quality parts will lead to improved sound quality. However the overall speaker design and manufacturing aspects have to be considered. Speaker#1 has an "A" list of renown parts. Speake... 
most beautiful (looking) speakers
OMA speakers have been mentioned. An appealing and essential aspect about their looks, from my point of view, is that it follows function first (as something that more readily accommodates physics), and then the aesthetic "touch" has been added to... 
Thermal Distortion your loudspeaker most likely suffers from it. But do you care?
@ieales -- "If high efficiency speakers are so darned good, why did the industry move away from them? So electronics makers could sell more expensive Power? Methinks not." Actually more power got less expensive with the advent of the transistor,... 
Thermal Distortion your loudspeaker most likely suffers from it. But do you care?
@pcrhkr — “Thermal distortion from my speakers. My ears would blow first! :)” One of those instances where it may feel inappropriate stating that this is actually a desirable outset :) Question is if you would know whether thermal distortion/mod... 
Thermal Distortion your loudspeaker most likely suffers from it. But do you care?
@johnk -- Thanks for clarifying. Had no intention to put down Alnico magnets in any way, in fact I'd only cherish their inclusion in a speaker setup.    
Thermal Distortion your loudspeaker most likely suffers from it. But do you care?
@ditusa -- "Yes That is one of the many reason for using ALNICO in permanent magnet speakers, it’s impervious to heat so it’s flux is not affected by the change in temperature." Alnico magnet’s were/are sometimes prone to demagnetize: ... ther... 
Thermal Distortion your loudspeaker most likely suffers from it. But do you care?
@atmasphere --   "Back when tubes were king, high efficiency speakers were very common because tube power was (and continues to be) expensive. When solid state amps were commonplace, speaker efficiency started to go down. The problem here is t... 
Thermal Distortion your loudspeaker most likely suffers from it. But do you care?
@johnk -- Thanks for starting this thread.  "But do you care?" Most certainly, but not for the reasons outlined by quite a few here about avoiding one's speakers going up in smoke. What's interesting to me is how thermal compression/-distortion... 
Speaker relative efficiency/sensitivity when using a high pass filter
@erik_squires -- "100 Watts is not enough, but it is enough.. ... but you can't tell by wattage... Funny." And we also read and make of it what we want to, right? :) As I'm sure you can assess from my original reply I'm not, depending on the con... 
Speaker relative efficiency/sensitivity when using a high pass filter
@erik_squires  How did I refute myself?