
Responses from phd

Quality system, make poor recordings sound better?
Mapman, I think you brought a very good point in regards to clipping and its true certain kinds of music begs to be played louder. I think we have all pushed are systems on occasions just to see its capabilities because certain recordings can be m... 
Do I really need a preamp?
I have generally found that a good active, well matched preamp can provide the drive a amplifier needs to show off its capabilities, not to mention you have the ability to switch between sources. For an exception and laughs I purchased a Lepai Cla... 
Rogue Audio
Yes, God bless Rogue for standing behind their products, new or used. I have owned several Rogue pieces before and they always sounded excellent and performed far above their price point, a great company, a superior product. 
Quality system, make poor recordings sound better?
Atmasphere, you are right as rain on your recent post! 
Quality system, make poor recordings sound better?
Based on some of the above answers I have concluded that some people don't know when to leave well enough alone, I am such a person. I have tweaked my system to be more revealing and extended. Using high resolution silver interconnects connected t... 
Quality system, make poor recordings sound better?
Thankyou all for the great indepth answers. A few days ago my daughters boyfriend brought over his IPod and connected it to my main system. He was thoughtful enough to have downloaded some of the music I like, new and older recordings. I thought a... 
Is Quad an upgrade from Rotel?
Mkash3, yes I have heard this combination of Quad and thought the sound produced was outstanding. 
Is Quad an upgrade from Rotel?
I'm not a big fan of Rotel so my answer will be obvious but I have owned Quad and liked it a great deal. 
Pre + Amplifier Recommendation
Mattmiller, I would agree and I no longer have the tube amp but I used it as an example that speakers that are very efficient don't require alot of watts to drive them. I currently use 150 watts per channel amp and that sounds even better. 
Pre + Amplifier Recommendation
I have kept the same speakers but seen a few preamps & power amps come and go. By the way they are very efficient speakers (102 db) and these were the ticket to getting the most out of lower powered tube gear. I drove them with a tube amp that... 
Are Rotel amps and preamps any good?
Never heard a Rotel preamp that sounded good but I do like their power amps! 
Rotel RA-1520 vs Anthem 225 integrateds
After hearing both I would go with the Anthem. 
High End Audio-Gaining Higher Ground?
Zd542, I never thought of that before, I'm glad you did! 
High End Audio-Gaining Higher Ground?
In regards to my statement above, I can't understand why my checking account is out of funds when I still have alot more checks left to write. 
High End Audio-Gaining Higher Ground?
Hazyj, not to worry, things are picking up and the economy is moving right along. According to Obama, in the event the Federal Government runs out of money they will just print up alot more, they have done it before. Our kids will do just fine!